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Re: [Re: [Re: (TFT) THE LIST]]

Those sound great Alan, any chance of seeing the rules? I'm a big fan of the 
Japanese setting for RPG's, at least in part cause I have no idea what to 
expect. :-)

I'd be happy to send them over. Actually since I joined this list last year
I've been trying to transfer the rules to my computer (I originally typed them
on 20 pages of flimsy paper, which makes scanning them a dodgy proposition).
Anyway we had a lot of fun with the rules which I put together by consulting
several weapons books (I have a table with a lot of exotics such as the
KYOTETSU-SHOGE and the CHIGIRIKI, the introduction of which necessitated
creating a new talent, FLEXIBLE WEAPONS) and references, as well as adapting a
few things from the RPG Bushido. Basically I wanted to have characters who had
amazing abilities (as shown by Shintaro, the star of a 1960s Japanese series
called The Samurai). At the same time I didn't want to unbalance the game by
having superhuman beings striding around, so my solution was to make the
characters powerful but extremely limited specialists. Below is an excerpt of
the rules -- actually they're pretty much what I've encoded so far. Tell me
what you think of them.




	SHUYO means mental discipline. For purposes of this game, the word denotes a
frame of mind, attained through rigorous specialist training, that PREPARES a
character to master a set of mostly martial skills. 

1.	In these game rules, SHUYO is treated as a Talent.
2.	There are three types of SHUYO -- SAMURAI SHUYO, NINJA SHUYO and BUDOKA
SHUYO. All three can be learned ONLY by humans (not Elves, Orcs, Halflings,
Lizardmen or what have you). Certain creatures have natural abilities which
make it seem as if they had SHUYO. 
3.	In gaming terms, a character with Samurai Shuyo is almost guaranteed to be
a samurai, in the same way that one with Ninja Shuyo can be safely assumed to
be a Ninja and one with Budoka Shuyo a Budoka. It is possible for someone with
Samurai Shuyo to be a Ninja. Possible, but so extremely tough as to be
senseless, as is shown by the rules below.
4.	Many exotic and deadly Talents of the three professions mentioned above
require SHUYO. In gaming terms, SHUYO allows characters to "purchase" certain
Talents at a "discounted" IQ Cost. Characters who have SAMURAI  SHUYO and/or 
NINJA SHUYO can subtract TWO POINTS off the IQ cost of ANY Talent in the
SAMURAI and NINJA TALENTS list (respectively). Characters who have BUDOKA
SHUYO subtract one point off the cost of any Talent in the Budoka Talent

	Example: A Character with SAMURAI SHUYO would need only 2 IQ points, not 4,
to learn MASTER SWORDSMAN, a  Samurai Talent. 

	Example: A Character with BUDOKA SHUYO would spend 2 IQ points, not three,
learning the Budoka Talent JITTEIJUSU

5.	Because all three professions are martial, it is possible for a chracter
who's learned the SHUYO of one profession to use it to fulfil the prerequisite
of  any of the two other professions. However, HE GETS NO DISCOUNT FOR

	Example: A character with SAMURAI SHUYO could use it to learn NINJUTSU 1, but
he would pay the listed IQ cost of 4 points.
6.	SHUYO cannot give any discounts in learning Talents listed under the
RELATED TALENTS LIST. These are paid for at the listed IQ cost.
	Example:	A character with NINJA SHUYO would still need to spend 3 IQ points
to learn FENCING, which is in the NINJA RELATED TALENTS

7.	A character with the Shuyo of one profession  IS NOT ALLOWED to learn any
of the skills given in the RELATED TALENTS LIST OF another profession.
8.	Characters who have SHUYO are at a handicap learning more :mundane" skills
-- their intense specialization hobbles them. SAMURAI and NINJA add TWO points
to the cost of any Talent that is not in their respective RELATED TALENTS
LIST.. A BUDOKA adds ONE point to the cost of any Talent that isn't in the
9.	If the GAM allows it, any member of the three professions can learn magic
spells, but at 4 IQ points per spell, and at a permanent -6DX casting the
spell (this is not counting the penalties for having COLD IRON on one's
10.	A character can attempt to learn all three SHUYO. This could produce
someone who's a SAMURAI, BUDOKA and NINJA all at the same time -- a
theoretically formidable character, except that the IQ costs of the various
specialist talents would mean such a character wouldn't have much depth in


To learn SHUYO a character must study in a RYU (school) or its equivalent --
for example a Ninja village. After the period of study he rolls 4vIQ: success
means he's learned SHUYO. Failure means he must study again -- there is a
limit of three attempts per profession, which means a character who flugs
three SHUYO attempts for, say, BUDOKA, could take another three attempts for
SAMURAI or NINJA. Assuming he finds an appropriate RYU.


Before going on to the  specific professions, you might want to go over this
list of  new Talents devised for this world.

IQ 8

FLEXIBLE WEAPONS (2) need adjDX 12. A prerequisite to wielding such weapons as
the KAWANAGA, KUSARIGAMA or CHIGIRIKI. The Talent also enhances use of
non-Oriental weapons such as the MORNINGSTAR. A figure with this Talent can
use a flexible weapon in such a way as to NEGATE theeffect of shields and
parrying weapons (the weapon curls around the blocking object). The Talent
also allows its user to IMPROVISE, using a belt, rope or chain with a weight
attached to at least one end. Such a device could be used to hit (at +2 to ST
DMA, if the GM thinks the weight is heavy enough) or entangle (use SHEILD RUSH
rules, except that a victim who falls spends one turn disentangling himself).
Such improvised flexible weapons would be liable to break easily, though. For
a more detailed explanation of what specific Japanese flexible weapons can do,
refer to the weapons section.

IQ 10

LEAPING (3) need adjDX 13, ACROBATICS. The ability to leap phenomenal heights
or distances. This is normally done DURING MOVEMENT, but can be performed in a
limited way during ACTION, as a DISENGAGE.

Notes on Leaping:	
1.	The MAXIMUM HORIZONTAL DISTANCE (as in broad jump) a LEAPER can	cover, at a
height of about 1 m. from the ground in transit)is equal to ({ST+DX} /5 
hexes), rounded down. A NON-LEAPER covers ({ST+DX} /10), rounded down
2.	The MAXIMUM VERTICAL DISTANCE a LEAPER can cover is equal to 	({ST+DX} /8
meters), rounded down A NON-LEAPER covers ({ST+DX} /12 	meters) rounded down

	IMPORTANT: Each hex or meter leapt during movement is equal to one movement 
3.	A running start, defined as a movement of at least THREE CONSECUTIVE HEXES 
along a straight line, prior to leaping adds TWO hexes or meters to the
distance 	covered horizontally or vertically.

4. 	Jump boards, trampolines, an assist from a fellow LEAPER (or someone who
with 	ACROBATICS) adds half again to the distance covered (multiply the
distance by 1.5)

5.	COMBINATIONS: If a LEAPER jumps to simultaneously cover a horizontal AND 
vertical distance (for instance, a running jump over a wall), subtract the
height of any 	obstacle from the LEAPER'S MAXIMUM HORIZONTAL DISTANVCE (I
meter=1 	hex). If the LEAPER wants to take a running jump at a tree limb,
subtract the 	horizontal distance (1hex=1 meter) from the LEAPER'S MAXIMUM

6.	It is possible to engage a foe by jumping over and landing in any of  his
adjacent hexes. 	Roll 3vDX to land correctly: 16=d6 of DM (armor won't
project); 17=d6 DM + leg 	twisted for d6 days; 18=d6 DM + both legs twisted
(MA=0) for 2d6 days. If the 	LEAPER jumps over any foe armed with a POLE
WEAPON, that foe can chose to 	give up his Action in exchange for trying to
impale the LEAPER in mid-flight.  Such 	an attack is at -4DX and if hit the
LEAPER must make a 5vDX save against falling 	and breaking any bones (use

7.	LEAPING can be used for disengaging. The LEAPER  rolls 4vDX and the 
MAXIMUM distance he can jump (horizontally or vertically) is ({ST+DX}/12),
rounded down. The foe can only strike EITHER if he was a POLE WEAPON and at a
penalty equal to the differences in DX between himself and the LEAPER OR if
the LEAPER flubs his roll. The number he failed the roll by becomes a BONUS on
DX for 	his foe.

8.	A LEAPER who jumps to a place where he HAS to grab something (a ledge for 
example) rolls 4vDX. Failure means he falls.

IQ 11

MASTER ARCHERY 1 (2). need adjDX 16, BOW, MISSILE WEAPONS.  Enhances use of a
bow (NOT crossbow) through the use of the FENCING TABLE. Plus, DX adjustments
for range are calculated on the basis of -1DX per eight hexes, instead of -1DX
per six hexes.

IQ 12

MASTER ARCHERY 2 (3). need MASTER ARCHERY 1. This Talent adds 2 to the DM 
done by any bow (NOT crossbow).  Its user can also attempt a TRICK SHOT,
forfeiting any multiple shots or actions that turn, at a range of DX/3 (round
down) hexes. Lastly, all to hit rolls of 3-5 are possible Critical Hits --

KICKING (3). need adjDX 13, UC2. Allows use of the feet as deadly weapons,
doing more DM than fists. Kicking adds 2 points to the net DM its user could
do with his BARE fists (count UC adds, but not fist-type weapon bonuses).
There are several KICKING attacks:
1.	REGULAR KICK. "Normal" attack which can be part of a multiple attack
2.	SWEEP KICK. An attempt to knock down a foe. Attacker rolls at a -3DX and if
he 	scores a hit, his target must save 4vDX against falling down (no DM). This
kick can 	be combined with multiple attacks. It is no good against one-hex
humanoids with ST 	>30; multi-hex creatures with ST>20; multi-legged or flying
creatures. A foe who 	knows UC saves on TWO LESS DICE is his UC level is
higher than the kicker's and 	ONE LESS DIE is his UC level is the same as the
3.	REVERSE KICK. Delivered to either the attacker's rear hex or any of his
side hexes 	at a penalty of -8DX and -6DX respectively. This can be part of a
multiple attack.
4.	FLYING KICK. Executed like a POLE CHARGE except that DM is not doubled. If 
hit the victim suffers normal DM (armor protects) and even if his armored
absorbed all 	the DM he must save 4vDX against falling. A target with higher
UC skill rolls TWO 	LESS dice; one less if UC mastery is equal. For multi-hex,
multi-legged and flying 	creatures, the same restrictions apply as in SWEEP
KICK.  A KICKER who rolls 16 	or higher on this attack suffers the same
effects as does a LEAPER. Treat 16 as a fall 	in front of or adjacent to (the
GM rules) the traget
5.	CRIPPLING KICK. Aimed at at target's head at a -6DX. If it hits, the DM is 
multiplied by 1.5. If the kicker rolls 4 or 4 or the victim suffers TRIPLE
DAMAGE 	instead. This cannot be combined with mutliple attacks. It can only be
made to the 	kicker's FRONT hexes and will not work agains t a foe wearing a
helm, or one who is 	a multiex creature. It cannot be used with BONEBREAKING.

IQ 13

cutting" skill which allows a character to knock aside any muscle or
skein-powered non-magical projectiles (arrows, bolts, javelins, sling shots,
etc). The character saves only against those projectiles on which his foe(s)
have made a successful to hit roll. The projectilves must be coming in through
the character's FRONT hexes. The character must also have a suitable parrying
instrument (sword or pole wepaon) or must know BUDOKA SHUYO. The maximum
number of missiles a character can deflect is equal to his DX/4, round down.
Each missile must be saved against on 4vDX using the following sliding
1st missile, 0. 
2nd, -1DX. 
3rd, -2DX.
4th, -3DX; 
5th, -6DX;
6th, -8DX
7th, -10DX
	The penalties increase by increments of -2DX after the 7th projectile, so the
8th would 	be -12DX and the 9th -14 DX

Parried projectilves are knocked 2d6 hexes away. This Talent is an entire
action and cannot be combined with TWO WEAPONS
NOTE: Yadomejutsu is applied the very instant a missile is fired and scores a
hit, which means a character with the Talent could act ahead of his turn in
terms of DX order. However, any differences between the DX of the attacker and
the defender are used as a FURTHER PENALTY on the defender's 4vDX save


1.	Any humanoid (i.e., orc, elf, dwarf) cna learn any of the SAMURAI TALENTS
except SHUYO. Certain races, such as the TENGU, have natural SAMURAI-like
2.	Only humans can learn SAMURAI SHUYO. 
3.	A SAMURAI can learn any of the SAMURAI TALENTS at TWO POINTS LESS than the
listed IQ cost. The cost cannever be reduced to less than one in any event.
4.	A SAMURAI can also learn any of the SAMURAI RELATED TALENTS, but at the
listed IQ cost.
5.	A SAMURAI can learn any of the NINJA or BUDOKA Talents. However these are
learned at their LISTED IQ cost.
6.	A SAMURAI can learn any other TFT Talent allowed by the GM, but MUST ADD
TWO POINTS to that talent's cost.  If the GM allows spells to be learned as
well, it will be at QUADRUPLE cost and the SAMURAI casting it will be at -6DX,
not counting the -4DX that applies if he happens to be carrying cold iron.
7.	Most of the SAMURAI attack Talents are meant to apply only against
normal-sized humanoids an animals. GM will rule on a cast basis when these are
used agains t unusual opponents.
8.	A Player character must declare his CODE OF BEHAVIOR the minute he becomes
a SAMURAI (that is, the instant he learns SAMURAI SHUYO). He must then follow
this Code rigidly at ALL TIMES, or suffer a HUGE LOSS of experience points. In
other words, the GM subtracts a substantial amount of the character's
experience points OR penalizes that SAMURAI'S rate of accumulating Eps.
9.	A SAMURAI gains Eps exactly as does a member of a POWERFUL RACE (lizardman,
gargoyle, giant, centaur).

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