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(TFT) Re: Encumbrance and fST penalties.

	Hi all,
	When I bother, this is how I calculate the fST cost of 
wearing heavy armor.  At the end of each battle,  I give each 
person a fST penalty equal to the basic number of hits that armor
stops.  So if you fight a battle in Cloth you take 1 fST point of
fatigue, you would take 5 fST for fighting in plate.

	If you are doing fairly hard work (walking up a long
slope for example) for an hour you also take an equal penalty.

	This system is simple and fast and works pretty good.
However I and my players found that rather than always going
into a battle a few fST short, it was faster and more fun to just
ignore it.  If you do want to have these sorts of penalties, the
above system works pretty well.


>> A better representation of armor would probably have to include
>> the fatigue factor in some way - [snip exhaustion effects proposal]
>> Does this idea make sense to anyone?

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