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Re: (TFT) A Point of Damage

----- Original Message ----- From: Marc
Subject: Re: (TFT) A Point of Damage

I haven't seen Fudge, but here's a simple way to map Str to Light/Moderate/Severe Wounds in a way that makes healing both the weak and strong characters take roughly the same amount of time, and the damage done more relates to how strong the hit was compared to the character's toughness, as opposed to just being how strong was the hit, yet preserves the "effect" of hit points (St).

You have four Light wounds, three Moderate wounds, two Severe Wounds, and one Death wound
OOOOo Light
OOOo Moderate (-1)
 OOo Severe   (-2)
  O  Death

Effect of single attack:
If you take 1 pt of damage, you take one Light wound.
If you take 1/6 Str damage rounded up, you take one Light and one Moderate wound. You are now at -1 to all actions. If you take 1/3 Str damage rounded down, you take one Light, one Moderate and one Severe wound. You are now at -2 to all actions.
If you take Str damage, you're dead.

Okay I haven't seen Fudge either and it seems that I need to read my e-mail.
What I'd like to hear more about is "the "effect" of hit points" and what is the deffinition of light, moderate, severe, and mortal?

In my own view "hit points" in TFT are a quantification of a Figures "fatuge" (fST). In a physical contest this is certianly one of the most important measures of success. Just like wizards I have heros expend fST for many attack Actions, but I also allow a couple of defensive Actions to recover fST. Then there's getting out of the fight altogether for a while which was the idea behind early chariots or player substatutions.

As to my views on the catergories, I would define them like so;

A light wound is a "flesh wound" meaning a simple cut or bruse that effects fST via bleeding. Untreated wounds continue to bleed over time and eventually result in a Figure being too weak to Action, but that could take awhile. An average Figure goes into shock if reduced to 2 fST from bleeding (Veteren Talent goes into shock at 1 fST and Warriors don't go into shock).

A moderate wound is structural meaning a bone was fractured or a major muscel group was damaged sufficently to cause negative Action modifiers and larger fST loss over time if untreated.
As a rule of thumb legs loose MA, arms lower the chance to hit and etc.

I would call severe wounds internal meaning arms or legs could be severed or mangled, internal organs damaged and etc. The first aid for a severe wound is to try and prevent shock until the patient can be rushed to surgery. If medical technology isn't up to surgery yet then I give a player a low probability saving throw for the Figure If successful then he's comming back with handicaps, if failed then he dies... although that could take awhile.
Of course, I remember something about a one armed bartender in Bendwhyn...

A mortal wound drops them pretty much on the spot.
An extra Turn or two can be added for dramatic effect at GM's discrestion.

Let's go just a bit farther shall we?

A GIB wound litterally blows the Figure into chunks.
GIB-ing a bunch of Figures on a marble floor could get slippery...

A dissenagration wound vaporizes the Figure.
Hiroshima shadows.

This puts the issue on more discriptive "visual" ground I feel.

2 points of ST subtracted from a Figure with 12 points of ST total who is at full ST is about 1/6th of their total ST i.e. a moderate wound and a light wound.
So now my guy is effectivly at ST 10 for the scale?
If so, instead of;
"A 12 pt character takes:
a Light wound with 1 pt of damage
a Moderate wound with 2 pts of damage
a Severe wound with 4 pts of damage
a Death wound with 12 pts of damage"

He'd now be at;
A 10pt Figure takes:
a Light wound with 1 pt of damage
a Moderate wound with 2 pts of damage
a Severe wound with 3 pts of damage
a Mortal wound with 10 pts of damage

2 more pts damage
That negative 1 hurt!
So now he's got 2 moderate wounds and 2 light wounds and...
A 8 pt character takes:
a Light wound with 1 pt of damage
a Moderate wound with 2 pts of damage
a Severe wound with 2 pts of damage
a Death wound with 8 pts of damage


2 more points?

A 6 pt character takes:
a Light wound with 1 pt of damage
a Moderate wound with 1 pts of damage
a Severe wound with 2 pts of damage
a Death wound with 6 pts of damage

Hummmmmmm, I'm assuming the scale is fixed to base ST huh? =====
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