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Re: (TFT) Streets of fire as the module a nice integration, but Archery/Missles/aimed shots

Fire in the Streets,

ok. So i have a couple of comments on your comments.

In my humble opinion:

Gurps is more deadly with ranged combat. I cant back that up with facts
right now, because I am at work, but I quit a game recently that was gurps
that waas just rediculously deadly. I get warm fuzzies from TFT.

Yes granted TFT is deadly as well, but I guess based on my past experiece
as a player, our TFT game was managable, and also the dm wasnt a sadist.

I think the game is sustainable and can be held to reasonable expectations
as far as combat options. Why there are more combat options TFT than in
other games.  My playerss dont always like the options but they are there
none the less.

Heres one that came up that pissed off the players:
Half move and dodge.  NPC Rushed the archer. Archer got to use his bow one
last time before he became engaged.  That pissed off the player because the
player couldnt get off his second shot for the round. Well er, too bad :)
the rule clearly states you can engage an opponent in their front hex.

 Welcome to deadly TFT. Hum.

The question is If I nerf the deadlyness of the game is it still TFT.  Im
not talking about nerving the option rules. they are just optional.

i will take into consideration of  half the aimed shots modifier and double
dam,, that doesnt make aimed shots prohibitive when you are looking at a 13
or less.

Its like a herogames 13, which is almost assured sucess, unless you roll
like i do at most game. (pathetically dice hate me heheh)

I didnt beef any of the combats up in the dark city games. The last one I
beefed up a bit, (added 1 to dx and 1 to Str for all the enemies.

Im guessing that this module I was using, is a campaign guide and urban
adventure, as well as a pick your own adventure.  It looks like most of the
critters are based on 34pt villains, for 4 players.

We are running about with 5 characters @ 36points.

We are at the last 2 fights for the module coming up this tues nights.

The baddies are REALLY tough.

Thanks for the input. Keep it rolling if you like.

On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 5:15 PM, Cris Fuhrman <fuhrmanator@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hmmm... 8,9,10 are good rolls, so maybe it's just the nature of TFT? I've
> had the opposite where the elf rolls to miss his own guy and does triple
> damage and kills him in one shot.
> BTW, How do you get 16 adjDX? I thought it was only Hobbits who get +3 (not
> elves). Aimed shot at the head is -6 to AdjDX. Missile talent is +3 to
> AdjDX. 13 + 3 - 6 = 10 ...
> You have a link for Streets of Fire?
> On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 4:06 PM, Joel BoardgameRpger <
> joel.siragher@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Last nights game successful, using Streets of fire as a module integrated
> > into
> > my story line, but optional rules for aimed shots messed up the fight.
> >
> > The archer, an elf with the missle talent and DX:13
> > took out like a knife through buttah. (NY pronounciation of butter, not
> > slang for hind quarters).
> >
> > His modified dx roll to hit is 16s and he kept rolling 8,9 or 10.
> >
> > I was a tad aggrevated because it shortened the fight.
> >
> > So ive declared that aimed shots now will require Aiming a round.
> > Yes, this will give the shooter a +1, but at least it saves an enemy a
> > round
> > and makes the combat a little tougher.
> >
> > Feed back?
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