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Re: (TFT) Giants

Dear Ruffhaus
PS: I thought the generic giant of TFT:ITL was fairly equivalent to the
Hill Giant myself

After the years I was struck by the generic nature of many of the monsters
in the AD&D 1st ed. Monster Manual
Had a look in my Fiend Folio - Fog Giants? boring
Mountain Giant
ST: 50 DX: 11 IQ: 10 MV: 12 HS: 1 pt skin (warrior talent)
These noble giants  live in remote mountain areas. They resemble larger
versions of normal giants, averaging 4m in height. Unfortunately they are
troubled by low fertility and a very low birthrate, thus they are rare and
often solitary. They make up for this by using their 'animal handler' and
'monster follower I' skills (though they can have double the number of
followers that humans have, thanks to their racial aptitude). Typical
animals and dumber monsters include ogres, trolls or normal giants, as well
as cave bears and eagles.
A mountain giant's other area of expertise is not only throwing large
objects, but catching them. Any large missile (which includes missiles from
ballistas and trebuchets as well as other giants) that is aimed at the
giant, or whose trajectory passes within 2 hexes gives the mountain giant a
chance to catch it if he can roll 3 dice under his DX, or 4 if 2 hexes

A good chum to have on your side....

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