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Re: [Re: [Re: (TFT) Preliminary thoughts:Adapting Runequest]]

Message text written by INTERNET:tft@brainiac.com
I have to own up that I played AD&D heavily for years before I got into
What sustained my interest in D&D was the group I was in played it for fun
laughs, plus we had as much excitement arguing about the "finer" points of
rules. One memorable debate we had with the DM was whether dogs could be
backstabbed (as players we were playing optimal strategies, so one guy was
trying to get the most out of his thief abilities). When I did get to try
TFT it was a revelation: a quick-playing elegant system that worked.


LOL Dogs backstabbed! That's a new one! 

I also played a lot of AD&D but I never remember having any fun at it. Just
the arguments! 

TFT brought back not only the fun for me, but the role-playing. Without
levels, how powerful you were was a much more personal choice. 

It's very hard to get some kinds of people to try out new game systems.
People dont generally like something they are 'coerced' into trying...

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