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(TFT) idea from diablo II

Ok here's an idea from diablo II which I like. One problem with TFT was the comparative difficulty in getting nonnatural healing (not necessarily a bads thing though), and thought of an encounter below...

In cidri there are rare springs which have a mineral water capable of supporting a rare bacteria, a trollococcus, which has an enzyme, trollase, which is similar to that found in troll metabolism which enables rapid healing. The bacteria and enzyme can only exist in a very specific envrionment and quickly degrade away from it (research has not determined whether the temperature, salinity, pH is the important step). Anyway, 2 sample rooms follow:

(1) - suitable for outside labyrinth or on 1st level. A grotto partly open to the sky with filtered light. ferns and mosses grow with unnatural vigour in this cave, and a local creature makes a lair here (giant tarantula/ giant snake/ cave bear/ cave lion/ bats/ giant lizard). The spring itself trickles into a natural pool holding enough water to heal 16ST. Once drunk this will refill in 4 hours. unfortunately, if the room is returned to, then there is a 3 in 6 chance that there will be an unwelcome visitor (see above list for critters).

(2) a shrine for a local tribe ( neanderthals/hobgoblins/ ogres etc.) which will defend it vigourously. Once slain, nearby tribes will know (the tribe has been selling use of shrine to wuonded neighbours) and try to claim it for their own.

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