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Re: (TFT) On-Line Chat Role-Playing

From: Michael Taylor <MichaelTaylor1@compuserve.com>

But what does everyone think of on-line Chat roleplaying
sessions?  Has anyone tried these? It seems to me that
because everyone has to be on-line at the same time (just
like if everyone were going to show up at your house) it
would eliminate alot of the problems that plaque PBEM but still have the convienience of allowing everyone to be at
home in different cities...

From: "John Paul Bakshoian" <hailmelee@hotmail.com>

I think this is a clever idea.
I would propose a time to do it (like Saturday night 7pm
Eastern Standard Time (Washington DC time).  It is
perhaps not very friendly to the Europeans or the
Australians, but per the Player Listing on Brainiac, The midwest seems like the central spot.

 I would propose that this be a different e-mail site and
not this one so we don't get overloaded with a game on
THIS theory and rules site.  However, it should be
connected to the Brainiac website with an archive so we can see the history posted.

Hail Melee,

John Paul

I would be happy if I could log on to some kind of brainiac server and use some kind of software to just play a five minute game of old fashioned melee'. I don't see how it is possible though. It would be nice. Any time, day or night, any two or more people could whip up some characters and launch into the arena. This is the first step I would like to take. I just don't see it happening. I can't figure out the client / server protocals for one thing.

   David Michael Grouchy II

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