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Re: (TFT) Rate of Fire (Final and BIG!)

From: Michael Taylor <MichaelTaylor1@compuserve.com>

This covers the speed of most real world weapons.
This works for me. It looks like it covers the existing TFT weapons also. I am always for extensions of the rules. Particularly when they cause the existing rules to remain true. Here is a revised version of the TFT missile weapons.
                 Damage   ST  Cost  Kg   ROF
Sling              1-2     -   $2     .5   12
Small Bow          1-1      9  $20    2    17
Horse Bow          1       10  $30    2    18
Long Bow           1+2     11  $40    2    20
Light Crossbow     2       12  $50    3    11
Heavy Crossbow     3       15  $80    5     7

    David Michael Grouchy II

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