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Re: (TFT) Druids, Clerics and such

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Cas and Lisa \(also Silvia, Max & Viveka\) Liber"
Reply-To: tft@brainiac.com
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2003 06:47:01 +1100

>Yeah....OK, something like, for every 50 years a place is used as 
>consecrated ground/temple etc., it gains 1fST battery power (as 
the bond of
>the area strengthens to a being) and all beings allied to the 
>worshipped gain a +1 adjDX - an area a megahex in size. The area 
maybe a
>grove for druids, a 'sacred site' for shamen, or a temple for 
priests etc.
>> But is such an idea feasible?  I suppose it could act somewhat
>> like an immobile ST battery.  If this is the case, then a 
>> grove could behave in a manner similiar to an enchanted throne
>> or some kind of "wizards chair."  What does everyone think
>> about this idea?

Interesting Ideas but would you have the reverse true? If a cleric 
is on ground sacred to another god that is in opposition to his 
god would the cleric have their strength drained and a dexterity 
loss associated with the event, or some other less than desireable 

Ive been thinking of making Druids and Clerics where they can gain 
spells and talents equally but at a higher cost than either a mage 
or hero would gain them. They would have restrictions also on what 
types of weapons/spells they could use any other type of weapon 
would be at a DX loss of -6 or better spells could not be learned 

John a Cleric for Oden God of Fire would be able to learn the 
hammer talent at one greater than a standard hero (Odens favaorite 
weapon)he would also be able to learn the fireball spell at one 
point greater cost than a mage. He would not be able to learn how 
to use the longsword (Oden detests edged weapons because they dont 
make a resounding splat when applied properly)but could pick it up 
and use it in melee at a -6 DX Adj. + whatever other adjustments 
are relevent to the moment he could also not learn any anti fire 
type spells..

Would this over balance play in favor or against the Cleric Druid 
etc or do you think it would be do-able?

Robert Morger
Boerne, TX

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