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Re:(TFT) Too simple / not as simple or elegant... Survey

- What are the top 3 things that TFT does right.

Hard to arrive at a list of just 3, but here is my effort.

1- Overall system simplicity/character generation.
   I can explain the sytem to a new player, have him generate a character, and be ready to go in 2 hrs tops.  
I especially like the starting characters who are easy to make and capable.   

2 - Good Game Balance.  Both between wizards and Heros (no other game comes close). And experienced/new characters. Oddly hard to min/max, other than the bell curve

3 - Combat where tactics matter, but can still be played out rather quickly

- What are the top 3 things that TFT OVER SIMPLIFIES.

1- Entering HTH combat
2- Too few spells, too few talents, too few creatures, 
3- too stupid a setting (Cidri and Mnoren drive me crazy), not enough good setting details

- What are the top 3 things that TFT does in a TOO COMPLICATED WAY.

1- The rest of HTH combat, including trample by large figures

Thats the only thing that bugs me enough to mention from a complicated point of view.  But I like simplicity.  And my too simple complaints (other than Hthe HTH one, are all real easy to fix for a GM.

I guess thats why I like TFT so much.


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