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Re: (TFT) Priests again

From: "Robert M Morger" <rmorger@ev1.net>

I've never liked the way TFT handled priest's and magic and I think I have
figured a way to solve it to some extent but would like some feedback from the
I use Theologian to dictate experience gain for the faithfull of that religeon. A form of social influence, the Theologian may declare a new way of gaining experience or ban an existing method. The Preists then diseminate this culture over a wider area multiplying the influence of the Theolgian. First let's look at the standard methods for experience in TFT. Then some specific examples I have used to represent different religeons.
Standard EXP

for combat
  1 per point of damage
  1 per 1 hit nuisance creature killed
  5 per larger nuisance crature killed
  1 per DX for killing enemy (non nuisance)

for casting spells
  1 per point of fatigue (success or fail)
  20 per week making magic items

for die rolls
  10 per 4D roll
  20 for 5D roll
  30 for 6D roll

for time spent in play
  5 per hour of real time

GM discretion
  +1 to +10 for acting in character
  -1 to -10 for acting out of character

Sample religeons
Below are some specific examples of a particular Theologian implimenting a religious principle of their religeon. The desire to gain exp is very strong with players. Using new methods to gain exp like below can have huge impacts on the culture of one's campaigns.
  Bhuddist: One of the major tenents says "existence is suffering."  As 
such I created a sect called The Screaming Bhuddas that get 1 exp for every 
point of damage they take.
  Christian: "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live."  If someone is tried 
and found to be a witch by a preist they can be publicly burned.  5 exp to 
each witness to this public execution.
  Islam: "Submision to Allah."  This religeon contains the famous concept 
of Jihad.  A Theologian may declare some campaign or mission to be Jihad.  
Any preists or lay members who go berserk in the Jihad get 5 exp for each 
  Shendin Zukuri:  Nature worship famous for "Walking paths", and "River 
boat" houses.  The houses have streams or lakes brought near them so the 
view out of any window gives a feeling of being on a boat.  The paths take 
the walker to multiple observation spots with breath taking views.  20 exp 
for anyone planning a campaign or mission here.
  Shinto: The "path of the gods."  Some family ancestor has acheived 
appotheosis and become a god.  Preservation of that families traditions 
amounts to worship of that god.  I created a sect called the Zumi Shitos 
that get 5 exp for every week serving or being a member of that family.
  David Michael Grouchy II

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