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Re: (TFT) Re: TFT Digest V3 #629

Yea. I liked the first AH Starship Trooper game as well. Speaking of science fiction genre games was anyone out there a fan of Space Hulk? It was a cleaver rip-off of both the Traveler game "Snapshot" and the movie "Alien" but my gaming group got a lot of mileage out of it. In fact I dusted it off a few weeks ago and played it with some friends. What a fun time. It was the last great game that Games Workshop published. Maybe there's some ideas from it that could be incorporated into Melee.
Also: Has anyone checked out Hasbro's "HeroScape"? It's a 3D hex based 
game complete with painted figures that reminds me just a little bit of 
a certain game that most of us on this list enjoy greatly. I've been 
toying with three dimensional Melee game boards (hills, ravines, trees, 
etc.) for years now and it's interesting to see how Hasbro handled it.
--David O. Miller

On Nov 11, 2004, at 9:56 AM, Joe Hartley wrote:

On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 21:15:53 -0800
Peter von Kleinsmid <pvk@oz.net> wrote:

At 07:54 PM 11/10/04 -0600, rmorger wrote:
I was basing it on the original novels not any game or

I'd refer you to the 1970's Avalon Hill boardgame Starship Troopers for a good starting point... or just play that game for a while to get it out of
your system.
Note that there was another game called Starship Troopers (by AH?  I 
recall) released around the same time as the movie, and it was not 
very good.
While complex, the first ST game really captured the feel of the
book.  It was also the first "real" game of its type that I ever played
(Outdoor Survival doesn't coun :) and it held my interest for a loooong

       Joe Hartley - UNIX/network Consultant - jh@brainiac.com
Without deviation from the norm, "progress" is not possible. - FZappa
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