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Re: (TFT) Doing damasge modernly


Agreement, with a few thoughts. The .22 to the chest is generally more dangerous because it (due to speed) is a penetrative weapon - more equivalent damagewise to spear than to club. But lots of people have taken .22s to the torso and lived. The modern weapon I would treat as equivalent to a light club would be, for example, the rubber "crowd control" rounds. Which can still kill if you're unlucky. I tend to think of a high-powered rifle round as equivalent in damage to a charging lance (6-2). It's a lot lighter but a lot faster. A bazooka will definitely smear people - but explosives have always changed the equation (see Petard). As for a minigun, it isn't the power of the rounds, it's the number. IIRC most models I've seen are using .223 - I wouldn't give that more than 1+1 damage (keeping in mind that my MARKSMANSHIP talent was like FENCING for modern weapons - double and triple damage was not uncommon), but if a dozen or so rounds hit.... I tend to think of it more like Wizard's Wrath. For a minigun I would probably just roll 3d6 to see how many rounds hit, then roll the damage. For a Uzi burst, I'd roll d6 for rounds, then damage. That's where the really killer damage starts. And that makes flak vests usable since they're not trying to stop 6d6, modern armor will stop say, 4,5, or 6 hits from EACH round (Fine Plate might stop 2 from each).



At 12:36 PM 12/1/2004, you wrote:
Yes. As Eric says, the main difference between most high-tech missile weapons (bullets and lasers) and low-tech weapons (arrows and swords) is that it's harder to stop the low-tech weapons with low-tech armor.

Ignoring or greatly lowering (divide by 3 to 5?) damage reduction from most low-tech armor is a good approach. One exception would be shot gun pellets (lots of low-penetration projectiles).

If being detailed and realistic, then note that while a battleaxe or a mace _to_the_head_ are good examples of weapons that can be as lethal as gunshots, light low-tech weapons like a club, or mace to the shoulder, are not so deadly in single hits to non-vital areas. However, realistically speaking, both bullets and light primitive weapons, but I'd say especially bullets and even more true of light lasers and shotgun bits or grenade fragments, assuming armor penetration, hit location determines the effect of the hit, much more than weapon type.

Giving a bullet a higher or lower damage rating depending on whether it is a .22, a .45, or a shotgun blast, mainly corresponds to shock effect, like a primitive weapon. The difference though is that a low-shock primitive weapon (a light club) won't kill on a hit to the chest over the heart or spine, but a .22 likely will. Similarly, a bullet can graze or hit only flesh and do very little damage, so I would think damage would have several dice but minuses rather than plusses, to allow a chance for low-damage and high damage hits. Or, make it a two-stage process, one for hit location, the next for damage and effect.

Also, there are weapons which will make soup of lightly-armored people (miniguns, bazookas, even light cannon).

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