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Re: (TFT) hollow Cidri

At 01:46 PM 2/5/06 -0600, David Michael Grouchy II wrote:
But in an artificially created gravity corona the math shows that the gravity does become a thing unto itself and the effects become quite strong as one enters the ponts in space where it lay.

Maybe I don't get what you mean by "an artificially created gravity corona". It looked to me like you were describing a shell of unspecified diameter where the thickness of the shell is equal to one Earth diameter and density, and then with some anti-gravity magic in the middle which was scaled like gravity but in the opposite direction, repulsing everything from a point in the center of the shell. I wasn't really sure what that was there for (to stop the shell from collapsing into the center under its own mass due to gravity, I assume?) or what its force distribution was across the shell, though.

However since you said that whatever the anti-grav's properties were, from the frames of reference of people on the inside and outside of the shell, they both had 1g pulling them to the inside of the shell, that the anti-grav force would then be more or less a wash, to achieve a situation where someone seems to be on a flat world on both the inside and on the outside, with the net gravity effect of the shell itself causing the difference that results in a perceived Earth-like gravity on the surface of both sides. From that I concluded that the gravity effects while travelling through the shell would be just like travelling through an ordinary planet (minus the [not-particularly important for this purpose] centripetal component), and so it would be the same - it would start to seem weightless in the middle. Of course, there might be other sensations there too - even without a magma core. For instance, there might be extremely high pressure from all the air above the core pressing in - just like even dipping to the bottom of the ocean will crush most submarines.

One other issue for a Newtonian model of such a Cidri, though, is the day/night cycle even on the outside. If Cidri were so huge as to be effectively flat, and if it also rotates quickly enough to have a 24-hour day/night cycle due to a sun and stars being seen rotating around it like on Earth, then would there not be a mega-astronomical difference between the centripetal forces at the equator, compared to the poles? Seems like you'd need not a constant balancing force from the center, but one designed to balance those incredible differences of force.

If the Mnoren had the means to balance such forces (or the same power to create astronomically-scaled force fields, but not quite as strong as needed for the above), then maybe they'd use them to make Cidri shaped like one or more panel sections, rather than a complete sphere.

I like your idea though of many worlds linked by gates, with the "one huge world" concept not something necessarily literally true. The Cidri creation story says there are hundreds of other worlds and alternate timelines which even the first Mnoren could travel between unaided, so your interpretation seems like it would be included no matter what Cidri itself is.

With ordinary wizards able to summon intelligent creatures, create TFT illusions and solid walls, gates, soul jars, and so on, though, the question of what reality is and what all the physical rules are, clearly isn't limited to Newtonian or even modern physics.

If the gamemasters even aren't sure what the world is, then the inhabitants surely won't be either. Historical and even current Earth is of course full of alternate cosmologies, many of which are not Newton-compatible. So (just to make it clear I'm not mistaking what I expect most or all of us already understand) GM's can consistently run games as if Cidri were whatever they want it to be.

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