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Re: (TFT) Gencon (Long reply)

At 11:35 PM 5/19/2006, you wrote:

I'll be there from Wednesday to Sunday. We are driving there from New York. A good friend of mine, who used to regularly play TFT with me when I lived in Kentucky, will be attending as well. So that makes three of us so far.

Sounds great! We used to play a similar battle that we affectionately called "Dungeon Bowl". Each team was identical and consisted of one character for each "type" of warrior. The teams started out as basic 32 point characters but quickly evolved into powerhouse teams. It was a great way to let off that "munchkin" steam that we all pretend we are too cool to possess. ;-) We used rule variations from Interplay and a few house rules such as the wizard taking a -4 penalty if impaled by an arrow. We also dressed up the UC talents which gave the "cleric" a unique feel. Battles were quick and bloody. The assassin is deadly with the dagger marksmanship rules, but falls easily if engaged. The archer and the wizard were the most hunted characters. The random treasure table contained cursed items as well as beneficial items. The exact nature of the treasure was not known until the character committed to it. The wizard's ring contained a 5 point strength battery and a self-powered Remove Cursed Item power. Wizard Rings were sought after as trophies as well as denying the enemy needed resources. Due to some fiery debates that occurred during some battles, the Arena Awareness ring came into play. Basically this was a telepathic ring that allowed communication between all teams and prevented "secret" spells from being cast. There were just too many incidents of "I cast reverse missiles 3 turns ago. I didn't tell you because it was a secret." Yeah, right... If you are interested, here are the character stats and rule variations we used.

WIZARD (Human)
   ST: 15                           WOUNDS:                        TA: 50
   DX: 17   ADJ: 16        FATIGUE:                    GOAL: 2000
   IQ: 18                              ARMOR: 1                     EXP:
   MA: 10   ADJ: 10

    Literacy (1)

    Aid (T, 1/1)                              Drain Strength (S, 1/5)
    Blur (T, 1+1)                             Drop Weapon (T, 1)
    Clumsiness (T, -2/1)                  Freeze (T, 4)
    Create Fire  (C, 1)                    Remove Thrown Spell (T, 2)
       4-Hex Fire (C, 2)                    Reverse Missiles (T, 2+1)
       8-Hex Fire (C, 4)                   Speed Movement (T, 2)
    Create Wall  (C, 2)                  Spell Shield (T, 3+1)
       4-Hex Wall (C, 4)                  Staff of Power (S, *)
       8-Hex Wall (C, 6)                     Staff (S, 5)
    Dazzle (S, 3)                             Summon Mymidon (C, 2/1)
    Destroy Creation (T, 1)             Wizard's Wrath (M, 1+1/1)

  EQUIPMENT:                                        WEIGHT (kg)
    Staff of Power (Damage: 2d6)                           1.5
    Silver Dagger  (Damage: 1-1, HTH 1+1)           0.1
    Cloth Armor   (DX-1, Stops 1 hits)                    7.0
                                              TOTAL WEIGHT:   8.6

    Ruby Ring (SB 5:5; Arena Awareness; Remove Cursed Object, T, 1)


CLERIC (Human)
   ST: 11                           WOUNDS:                        TA: 50
   DX: 16   ADJ: 15        FATIGUE:                    GOAL: 2000
   IQ: 23                              ARMOR: 1                     EXP:
   MA: 10   ADJ: 10

    Cure Light Wounds     (S, Heal 1d6, No cost, 1 use, 3d6 vs IQ)
    Cure Light Wounds     (S, Heal 1d6, No cost, 1 use, 3d6 vs IQ)
    Cure Serious Wounds (S, Heal 2d6, No cost, 1 use, 3d6 vs IQ)

    No edged weapons. Tithe 90% of income.

    Literacy/Scholar (4); Priest/Theologian (4); Ax/Mace (2); UC IV (8)

    Aid (T, 1/1)            Curse (T, ~1/2)
    Avert (T, 2+1)        Remove Thrown Spell (T, 2)
    Bless (S, 2)             Stop (T, 3)

   EQUIPMENT:                                        WEIGHT (kg)
    Bare Hands  (Damage: 1+2)
    Mace            (Damage: 2-1)                                 3.0
    Cloth Armor (DX -1, Stops 1 hit)                         7.0
                                                TOTAL WEIGHT: 10.0

    Silver Ring (Arena Awareness)


   ST: 11      WOUNDS:                                       TA: 50
DX: 17 ADJ: 16 (TW +2) FATIGUE: GOAL: 2000
   IQ: 22         ARMOR: 1                                 EXP:
   MA: 10   ADJ: 10 (MA +2)

    Sword (2); Thrown Weapons (2); Bola (1); Boomerang (1);
    Dagger Marksmanship I (2); Dagger Marksmanship II (2);
    Dagger Marksmanship III (2); Run (2); Literacy (1);
    Thief/Master Thief (4); Detect/Remove Traps (3)

Shortsword (Damage: 2-1, Poisoned 3,2,1) 2.0 Dagger (Damage: 1-1, HTH 1+1, Thrown 1+2, Poisoned 2d6) 0.1 Dagger (Damage: 1-1, HTH 1+1, Thrown 1+2, Poisoned 2d6) 0.1 Dagger (Damage: 1-1, HTH 1+1, Thrown 1+2, Poisoned 2d6) 0.1 Boomerang (Damage: 2d6) 1.5 Bola (Damage 1-2, Special) 0.5 Poison Gas Bomb (Damage: 2d6, Special) 1.0 Poison Gas Bomb (Damage: 2d6, Special) 1.0 Cloth Armor (DX-1, Stops 1 hit) 7.0 TOTAL WEIGHT: 13.3
    Silver Ring (Arena Awareness)


HERO (Human)
   ST: 18                           WOUNDS:                        TA: 50
   DX: 19   ADJ: 17        FATIGUE:                    GOAL: 2000
   IQ: 13                              ARMOR: 2 + 3               EXP:
   MA: 10   ADJ: 8

    Pole Weapons (2); Sword (2); Warrior/Veteran (5);
   Tactics/Strategy (3); Literacy (1)

    Pike Axe          (Damage: 2+2, doubles for charge, 2-handed)       10.0
Great Sword (Damage: 3+1, 2-handed) 7.0
    Bastard Sword (Damage: 2+1, 1-Handed; 3-2, 2-Handed)               3.5
Dagger (Damage: 1-1, HTH 1+4) 0.1 Chainmail (DX-2, Stops 3 hits) 15.0 TOTAL WEIGHT: 35.6
    Silver Ring (Arena Awareness)


AXEMAN (Dwarf)
   ST: 18      WOUNDS:                                       TA: 46
DX: 15 ADJ: 15 (TW +2) FATIGUE: GOAL: 1000
   IQ: 13         ARMOR: 2 +2 (+1)                    EXP:
   MA: 10   ADJ: 10

Ax/Mace (2); Knife (1); Shield (1); Thrown Weapons (2); Warrior/Veteran (5);
     Human Language (1); Diplomacy (1)

    Battle Axe      (Damage: 3d6 {+1, Dwf}, 2-Handed)               10.0
    Small Ax        (Damage: 1+2 {+1, Dwf}; Can be thrown.)        2.5
Dagger (Damage: 1-1, HTH 1+4) 0.1
    Spike Shield   (Stops 1 hit, Damage: 1-2, DX-4)                        6.0
Leather Armor (DX-2, Stops 2 hits) 8.0 TOTAL WEIGHT: 26.6
    Silver Ring (Arena Awareness)


   ST: 14      WOUNDS:                          TA: 45
   DX: 16   ADJ: 15 (MW +3)     FATIGUE:                    GOAL: 1000
   IQ: 15         ARMOR: 1+1                 EXP:
   MA: 12   ADJ: 10 (MA +2)

Bow (2); Crossbow (1); Missile Weapons (3); Sword (2); Shield (1); Run (2);
    Warrior (2); Diplomacy (1); Human Language (1)

    Long Bow        (Damage: 1+2, Two shots if Adj. Dx = 18+)        2.0
      Quiver/20 Arrows 0.5
    Light Crossbow (Damage: 2d6, Every turn if Adj. Dx= 14)           3.0
      Quiver/20 Bolts 0.5
    Bastard Sword (Damage: 2+1, 1-handed; 3-2, 2-handed)             3.5
Dagger (Damage: 1-1, HTH 1+2) 0.1 Cloth Armor (DX-1, Stops 1 hit) 7.0 TOTAL WEIGHT: 16.6
    Silver Ring (Arena Awareness)


   ST: 14      WOUNDS:                                       TA: 45
DX: 17 ADJ: 15 FATIGUE: GOAL: 1000
   IQ: 14         ARMOR: 1 +2 (+2, +2) (+1)      EXP:
   MA: 10   ADJ: 8 (MA: +2)

    Sword (2); Fencing (3); Two-Weapons (3); Shield (1); Tactics (1);
    Warrior (2); Run (2)

    Bastard Sword (Damage: 2+1, 1 Handed; 3-2, 2-Handed)              3.5
    Bastard Sword (Damage: 2+1, 1 Handed; 3-2, 2-Handed)              3.5
Dagger (Damage: 1-1, HTH 1+2) 0.1 Dagger (Damage: 1-1, HTH 1+2) 0.1 Spike Shield (Stops 1 hit, Damage: 1-2, DX-4) 6.0 Leather Armor (DX-2, Stops 2 hits) 8.0 TOTAL WEIGHT: 21.2
    Silver Ring (Arena Awareness)


   ST: 18      WOUNDS:                                       TA: 50
DX: 15 ADJ: 15 FATIGUE: GOAL: 2000
   IQ: 17         ARMOR: 2 + 2 (+2)                 EXP:
   MA: 11   ADJ: 11

    Sword/ Fencing (5); Warrior/Veteran (5); Acrobatics (3); Literacy (1)

    Spell Shield (T, 3+1)

Great Sword (Damage: 3+1, 2-Handed) 7.0
    Bastard Sword (Damage: 2+1, 1-Handed; 3-2, 2-Handed)             3.5
Dagger (Damage: 1-1, HTH 1+4) 0.1 Leather Armor (DX-2, Stops 2 hits) 8.0 TOTAL WEIGHT: 18.6
    Silver Ring (Arena Awareness)

Unarmed Combat Skill
Fighter must be unarmored or wearing cloth only. High strength fighters may wear any armor they can ignore totally. When rolling to attack, a result of 17 causes 1d6 damage to fighter, no armor protection. A result of 18 causes 1+1 damage and a chance of crippling. If a cripple occurs during a punch attack, ignore location and apply to arm. If cripple occurs during a kick attack or as a result of missing a kick, apply rolled result. Magic spells are not affected by U.C. defensive bonuses except missile spells, which are dodged like missile weapons.
U.C. I (IQ 10; 2)
          Prerequisite: DX 13 or better. Adds +1 to all unarmed combat damage.

U.C. II (IQ 12; 2)
Prerequisite: U.C. I and DX 14 or better. Adds +2 to all unarmed combat damage. May throw foe; use shield rush rules.
U.C. III (IQ 14; 2)
Prerequisite: U.C. II. Adds +3 to all unarmed combat damage. Considered a master. When throwing a foe, foe must roll 5d6 vs. DX to avoid falling (4 dice if foes ST is greater than twice the thrower). May attempt to throw any foe that is less than 3 times his ST. May choose Defend option bare-handed. Fighter may double punch with both hands against a single target at - 4 DX for each attack. Attack is delayed - 4.
U.C. IV (IQ 14; 2)
Prerequisite: U.C. III and DX 15 or better. Fighter has natural eyes-behind ability. If fighter takes Defend option bare-handed, attacker must roll 5 dice to hit him. Fighter may snap kick for additional +1 to unarmed damage. If fighter misses, he must roll 4 vs. DX to avoid falling. A result of 21 or 22 causes 1d6 damage to fighter, no armor protection. A result of 23 or 24 causes 1+1 damage and a chance of crippling.
U.C. V (IQ 14; 3)
Prerequisite: U.C. IV and DX 16 or better. An attacker must roll 4 dice to hit this fighter in normal combat, 6 dice if he is dodging and 7 dice if he is defending. If a U.C. V fighter hits a foe for 3 or more damage, foe is hit on a nerve and drops weapon. U.C. V fighters may double punch 2 separate targets. A U.C. V fighter may parry 2 hits with each arm that he does not attack with like the 2-Weapons skill. If he chooses to parry with an arm, he may not kick. If a U.C. V fighter charges a target in a straight line of 3 or more hexes, he may attempt a flying snap kick. If successful, damage is doubled. U.C. V fighters roll 3 dice to avoid falling from a missed snap kick and 4 dice for a missed flying snap kick. Flying snap kicks are not true charge attacks and do not take place before other attacks. Flying snap kicks only occur if the kicker has moved and can be aimed at any foe in his frontal hexes. A U.C. V fighter may choose to sweep kick all foes in his frontal hexes. Treat as a sweep attack except no damage is done. All foes that are hit must roll 4 vs. DX to avoid falling.

Pole Weapons
   Pole weapon users suffer -4 DX to hit if the hex opposite target
is a wall or column. If a pole weapon user is charging a spell caster
or a missile or thrown weapon user whose weapon is ready, then the
attack is resolved as if both had pole weapons. Target does not get
+2 for "grounding".
   During a charge or 2-hex jab, a figure using any edged weapon or
a great hammer may strike at the head of the pole weapon instead of
the pole weapon user . Attack is - 4 DX and precedes the pole weapon
charge. If damage equals 1/2 minimum ST to carry rounded up then the
pole weapon becomes a club, otherwise there is no effect.


Dagger Marksmanship (the rule)
  Applies to daggers or sha-ken; maximum range: 3 yards.
   Head: -6 DX
        no armor protection
        double damage on normal roll
        quadruple damage on a roll of 4
        sextuple damage on a roll of 3
   Hand: -6 DX
        no shield protection
        no armor protection lighter than chainmail
        normal damage, target drops weapon or shield, etc.


Dagger Marksmanship I (IQ 10 talent, 2)
  Prerequisites: DX 12, Knife and/or Sha-ken, Thrown Weapons
   Increases damage done by thrown dagger or sha-ken
        double damage on roll of 5-7
        triple damage on roll of 3-4

Dagger Marksmanship II (IQ 10 talent, 2)
  Prerequisites: DX 12, Knife and/or Sha-ken, Thrown Weapons
   Increases damage done by thrown dagger or sha-ken by +3
   Increases crippling hit roll by 1 if attacker chooses.

Dagger Marksmanship III (IQ 12 talent, 2)
  Prerequisites: DX 14, Knife and/or Sha-ken, Thrown Weapons
   May throw daggers and/or sha-ken twice per turn same as bow.
         Second weapon must be easily accessible; adjDX = 16.
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