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RE: (TFT) fiction ?

Reply below..

---- "David O. Miller" <davidomiller@verizon.net> wrote: 
> I know Tom Clancy was/is a wargamer. I've been told that his first 
> book, "The Hunt for Red October" was loosely based around a 
> game he had played. Whether that's true or not I'm not 100% sure.

] Harpoon, if memory serves

Yep, Harpoon.  And for those interested the current edition of Harpoon,
Harpoon 4 comes with a small scenario booklet including the Hunt for Red
October scenario.

The author of the game, Larry Bond, has several of his own novels on similar

On a totally different subject, has anyone converted the TFT Microquests for
use with GURPS advanced combat system?  I've just picked up the 3rd. ed.
Revised rules but haven't looked closely at what kinds of translation would
be necessary.  Anyone know?

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