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Re: (TFT) TFT Healing

     That is a very cool idea.  Especially in explaining the messenger 
who drops dead part.


-- ErolB1@aol.com wrote:------------
My own version of this, which I use a variant of in all the different 
games I 
run (not just TFT) is to have a "death at player's option" range 
between St 0 
and the negative of the character's base St. A character in that range 
drop dead at any time, at the option of the controlling player (or the 
GM, in 
the case of NPCs), or may continue to live until he heals or recovers. 
But at 
the negative of the character's base St or worse (e.g. -11 or worse for 
character with St 11) the character instantly and automatically drops 


 (For one thing, it's the only rule 
I've ever seen that does the classic "dying delivery" bit, where the 
NPC with a dagger in his back stumbles up to the PCs, whispers a few 
words or presses a cryptic message into their hands, and drops dead, 
the GM having to "cheat.")

Erol K. Bayburt--------------------------------------------
Evil Genius for a Better Tomorrow
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