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Re: (TFT) Pace of pbem combats.

On Jan 15, 2008 7:15 PM, Ray Rangel <ray.rangel@cox.net> wrote:

> > I am running the Thail pbem campaign.  We got thru
> > a fairly big combat in 2 real weeks.  (In Thail,
> > people say what they want to do and the GM rolls
> > all dice.)
> I've been wondering about pbem. Can you provide some more detailed
> information? Did you use Cyberboard?

I joined the Yahoo group for In The Labyrinth (AGOTHIEN CAMPAIGN) to just
lurk for now. I looked at some of the messages in the archive. I appreciate
the problems of rolling dice over email and how long that would take for
just one round. But on the other hand, I'm not sure it would be so much fun
doing it "in batch mode", without rolling triple damage hits myself :-)

I saw that they define standard marching orders for all sorts of terrain, as
well as Standard Operating Procedures for certain typical events, which
allows a smooth setting up of combat. I didn't spy enough on the archive,
however, to grasp how individual movement was handled in that campaign, and
didn't see it described in the rules I received when I signed up (I must
have missed something, since it seems fundamental). It seems it would be
tedious without some kind of standard for describing moves, such as in
Chess. The archived messages didn't have attachments, such as PBEM files, at
least that I could see... It must take a while for the party to decide who
is going to try to get arrow shots, who is going to try rear attacks, who's
going to cast avert spell, etc... I can see the tedium of reaching consensus
like this via email, especially when people might have strong opinions. It
must generally go more smoothly than that...
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