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Re: (TFT) Swords'n'Sorcery Terminator

I don't think regeneration does work after death. After all, you can kill a Troll such that it can't regenerate. It can only regenerate as long as it's alive. Sure, it can be reduced to 0 ST but it's still alive. If zombies don't heal, it's because the life has gone out of them. The animation caused by the spell isn't really "life". I can't reconcile the two, zombies and regenerating trolls.
Undead slimes? I'm afraid that is delving way to deep and going into places 
that should be avoided by human minds.

----- Original Message ----- From: "David Michael Grouchy II" <david_michael_grouchy_ii@hotmail.com>
To: <tft@brainiac.com>
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 5:34 PM
Subject: RE: (TFT) Swords'n'Sorcery Terminator

  As for regeneration.  Doesn't regeneration, by definition, work after
death. But Zombie, by definition, cause rot and decay down to skeletal form. So it seems that the troll would be a zombie until it regenerated it's first
positive hit point and then would become alive again.  But casting Zombie
spell gives it a positive ST so . . .  the next turn?  I feel a conceptual
opposition here.  An item with immunity to zombie may be a hidden from of
regeneration from negative to positive 1 ST. It feels like a merry go round.
I'm getting dizzy.  Someone stop this thing so I can get off.

David Michael Grouchy II

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