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Re: (TFT) Death test first encounter: spider probs....

I read the special instructions and I wanted to be sure of what I read.

divide the spiders evenly between players.

question at this point is: are ALL the spiders considered to be in close/HTH
combat with each player?

The thing that threw me was where it said players have Init... that has
nothing to do with combat in RL metagaming Melee combat because combat is
resolved in adjDx order... in which case spiders of DX 12 getting 2pts of
damage, always get to inflict their 12 pts of damage a piece on flavius and
wulf.  Basically which means that they get to kill off unarmored players  in
2 rounds.

I think its a good idea to take in players with at least 2 pts of armor up
front. I am going to make up some modified chars today.

Maybe Ill make up some chars from Char Lab.

or maybe David could write up tomb of horrors conversion for me today. :)

Tomb of horrors incidentally... wasn't that the one with the living trees in
the middle? That was actually a pretty funny module.

On Sun, Sep 14, 2008 at 1:26 AM, <pvk@oz.net> wrote:

> The spiders are a special situation which, IIRC, Death Test gives complete
> rules for. If GM'ing something like that in general TFT, I would tend to use
> the rules in the Nuisance Creature section for things like swarms of rats.
> IIRC Death Test does say you're allowed to benefit from rumors (i.e.
> knowledge from previous plays), and what we did at least once was either
> bypass the chest or give everyone leather or better at the start and then
> have people who didn't want to wear armor take it off after dealing with the
> spiders.
> PvK
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