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Re: (TFT) Hirst Arts Melee/Wizard Arena
< Hey Jay, you can just keep on pushing those little pieces of paper
around on that little paper board all you want sir. Me, I'll stick to
having fun killing my little plastic people on little toy boards. The
point is we are both playing TFT, which is uber cool. >
I'm with YOU Mr. Miller.
(Wanna hear MY Bridge solution?)
My little paper peices bend, have height, are to a reasonable scale, and don't ask people to put a lot of money inb them.
Do you design a new room with new art for EVERY building or room in your game?
If so your a better god than I.
Else if, I'm thinking you "recycle" your nifty props, thus invalidating the "spectiveity" of the object.
NOTHING wrong with that.
I'm simply offering a thing for us less artisticly giffted folks.
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