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(TFT) NPC's with a tad of personality
Jays Day Thing
or The Way of NPC's
Okay this is simply flat out crazy so all I can really do is just type the notes I use.
Personality Types for NPC's
Cardinals (leaders/fame/individual) paper DX
Fixed (organizers/fortune/societal) scissors ST
Mutable (communicators/happiness/cellular) rock IQ
(aggressive, dynamic idealists)
(secretive, reflective strategists)
Fire Signs (inspirational/Talent) Yang
Aries - cardinal
Leo - fixed
Sagittarius - mutable
Earth Signs (material/ST) Yin
Capricorn - cardinal
Taurus - fixed
Virgo - mutable
Air Signs - (mental/IQ) Yang
Libra - cardinal
Aquarius - fixed
Gemini - mutable
Water Signs (sensitive/DX) Yin
Cancer - cardinal
Scorpio - fixed
Pisces - mutable
Karmic missions (combinations of the above)
Aries: To lead in an inspirational, aggressive, dynamic and idealistic manner.
Libra: To lead in a mental, aggressive, dynamic and idealistic manner.
Capricorn: To lead in a material, secretive, reflective and strategic manner.
Cancer: To lead in a sensitive, secretive, reflective and strategic manner.
Leo: To organize in an inspirational, aggressive, dynamic and idealistic manner.
Aquarius: To organize in a mental, aggressive, dynamic and idealistic manner.
Taurus: To organize in a material, secretive, reflective and strategic manner.
Scorpio: To organize in a sensitive, secretive, reflective and strategic manner.
Sagittarius: To communicate in an inspirational, aggressive, dynamic and idealistic manner.
Gemini: To communicate in a mental, aggressive, dynamic and idealistic manner.
Virgo: To communicate in a material, secretive, reflective and strategic manner.
Pisces: To communicate in a sensitive, secretive, reflective and strategic manner.
The Blending of the Elements
Fire blends easily with Fire and Air but requires tolerance to blend with Earth and Water.
Air blends easily with Air and Fire but requires tolerance to blend with Earth and Water.
Earth = +Earth, +Water &= -Fire -Air
Water = +Water, +Earth &+ -Fire, -Air
The Patterns of Sign Interaction.
1 - 1: Magnification of virtues & failings
2 - 12: Student to the Teacher
3 - 11: Friendship
4 - 10: Conflict
5 - 9: Empathy
6 - 8: Opposites attract
7 - 7: Love/Hate Thyself (Love opposite sex/Hate same sex)
On the construction and consultation of Trigrams.
The Absolute is the joining of the two solid lines of the T'ai Chi with the Ch'len Yuan line.
Unbroken, this base is the Yang, if the three are un-joined it is Yin.
The Yin becomes Fire and Water with Fire rising to Heat and Sun and Water condensing from the decent of cold and moon.
The Yang transforms into Air and Earth with Air rising to Wind and Rain and Earth descending from the Mountain and Thunder.
The construction of the Hexagrams can thus be viewed as the combination of two Trigrams.
When subtle response is required I pull out the I Ching and a few pennies.
When a personality is required I roll up a birthday.
The Elements join the Signs to the Hexagrams.
I use the fame/fortune/happiness thing for handing out experience.
Each Figure gets a bonus/normal/penalty to their experience award in a paper, rock, scissors fashion depending on their preference ratio.
Alignment per say is how comfortably a Figure's ratio matches Joe Average's ratio for the controlling Culture.
The "happiness" formula for a given Culture derives from the Joe ratio.
Uhhh, I have some awkward algorithms for randomizing birthdays (6d6 - 5 = 1 to 31) but that pretty bell curve wreaks some havoc when using dice, and some of my unorthodox solutions are a whole other issue.
We'll see if this pig fly's before I throw too much more effort on it.
After the birthday from hell last year I've moved the Jayite high-holy day to today so technically I'm not even supposed to be working today...
If the secret to an effective workout is mussel confusion there's the oft hand chance what that I can make my insanity pay off a little in the long run.
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