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Re: (TFT) Technology (near future)

This is the Tech Tree from Alpha Centauri.
It gives an idea of near future Tech, but switching Alpha Centauri to Cidri implies a story.
The Armor/Weapon/Chassis/Reactor setup fits Car Wars & Ogre a little bit.
Mr. Reynolds went with Build/Conquer/Discover/Explore, opposed to Civ 2's Military/Industrial/Social/Academic/Applied.
The board game used Art/Craft/Science/Civic.
Magic might be another category.

Any thoughts on far future tech?
I figure Planet building is there.
Is time travel, or is that a space opera tech?


Industrial Base (1)
Technology = Superconductor, High Energy Chemistry, Polymorphic Software, Industrial Economics
Secret Project = The Merchant Exchange
Armor = Synthmetal Armor

Social Psych (1)
Technology = Doctrine: Loyalty, Ethical Calculus, Secrets of the Human Brain
Base Facility = Recreation Commons

Industrial Economics (2)
Prerequisite = Industrial Base
Technology = Industrial Automation, Environmental Economics, Adaptive Economics
Base Facility = Energy Bank
Socio/economic model = Free Market
Increases commerce income from treaties and pacts.

Adaptive Economics (3)
Prerequisite = Progenitor Psych, Industrial Economics
Technology = Planetary Economics
Base Facility = Thermocline Transducer
Secret Project = The Planetary Energy Grid

Gene Splicing (3)
Prerequisite = Biogenetics, Ethical Calculus
Technology = Synthetic Fossil Fuels, Bio-Engineering, Ecological Engineering
Base Facility = Research Hospital
Increases defense against gene warfare.
Allows a tile's Nutrient production to exceed 2.

Industrial Automation (3)
Prerequisite = Industrial Economics, Planetary Networks
Technology = Silksteel Alloys, Doctrine: Initiative, Neural Grafting, Industrial Nanorobotics
Base Facility = Hab Complex
Secret Project = The Planetary Transit System
Socio/economic model = Wealth
Unit = Supply Crawler
Weapon = Supply Transport
Increases commerce income from treaties and pacts.
Easily one of the two or three most important technologies in the game. This technology allows you to build the Supply Crawler, a staple of virtually all advanced strategies, and additionally allows Wealth, which may be desirable, and the construction of Hab Complexes, which you'll need for bigger bases, and the Planetary Transit System, which is useful if you can spare the time and resources to grab it. On top of all that, you get more commerce. Getting this tech before anybody else does can easily swing the game in your favor even if you are otherwise behind in every other respect - but you must take full advantage of it.

Cyberethics (4)
Prerequisite = Planetary Networks, Intellectual Integrity
Technology = Superstring Theory, Pre-Sentient Algorithms
Secret Project = The Planetary Datalinks
Socio/economic model = Knowledge

Silksteel Alloys (4)
Prerequisite = Advanced Subatomic Theory, Industrial Automation
Technology = Monopole Magnets, Photon/Wave Mechanics
Armor = Silksteel Armor

Bio-Engineering (5)
Prerequisite = Gene Splicing, Neural Grafting
Technology = Retroviral Engineering
Secret Project = The Longevity Vaccine
Special Ability = Clean Reactor
Increases defense against gene warfare.

Environmental Economics (5)
Prerequisite = Industrial Economics, Ecological Engineering
Technology = Advanced Ecological Engineering
Base Facility = Tree Farm
Terraforming = Raise Land, Lower Land
Increases commerce income from treaties and pacts.
Allows a tile's Energy production to exceed 2.

Monopole Magnets (6)
Prerequisite = Superstring Theory, Silksteel Alloys
Technology = Unified Field Theory, Nanominiaturization
Terraforming = Mag Tube

Planetary Economics (6)
Prerequisite = Adaptive Economics, Intellectual Integrity in SMACAX, Environmental Economics and Intellectual Integrity in original
Technology = Quantum Power, Sentient Econometrics
Base Facility = Hybrid Forest, Subsea Trunkline
Secret Project = The Ascetic Virtues
Diplomatic Proposal = Global Trade Pact, Repeal Global Trade Pact
Increases commerce income from treaties and pacts.
Allows economic victory

Advanced Ecological Engineering (7)
Prerequisite = Fusion Power, Environmental Economics
Technology = Cidri Psi
Terraforming = Soil Enricher
Diplomatic Proposal = Melt Polar Caps
Special Ability = Super Former
Sea Mining Platforms produce +1 Minerals

Biomachinery (7)
Prerequisite = Mind/Machine Interface, Retroviral Engineering
Technology = Homo Superior, N-Space Compression
Secret Project = The Cloning Vats
Increases defense against gene warfare.

Probability Mechanics (7)
Prerequisite  Photon/Wave Mechanics, Pre-Sentient Algorithms
Technology = Nanometallurgy
Base Facility = Tachyon Field
Armor = Probability Sheath

Nanominiaturization (8)
Prerequisite = Monopole Magnets, Organic Superlubricant
Technology = Matter Compression, Industrial Nanorobotics
Chassis = Hovertank
Special Ability = Algorithmic Enhancement

Super Tensile Solids (10)
Prerequisite = Matter Compression, Advanced Spaceflight
Technology = Matter Editation
Base Facility = Habitation Dome
Secret Project = The Space Elevator
Armor = Pulse 8 Armor

Matter Editation (12)
Prerequisite = Self-Aware Machines, Super Tensile Solids
Technology = Matter Transmission
Base Facility = Nanoreplicator
Secret Project = Clinical Immortality
Armor = Antimatter Plate
Increases defense against gene warfare.

Quantum Machinery (12)
Prerequisite = Quantum Power, Nanometallurgy
Technology = Graviton Theory
Base Facility = Quantum Converter
Weapon = Quantum Laser

Matter Transmission (13)
Prerequisite = Matter Editation, Secrets of Cidri
Technology = Temporal Mechanics
Base Facility = Psi Gate
Secret Project = The Bulk Matter Transmitter
Special Ability = Blink Displacer
Increases Mineral production in fungus.

Temporal Mechanics (14)
Prerequisite = Eudaimonia, Matter Transmission
Technology = Threshold of Transcendence
Armor = Stasis Generator
Increases Energy production in fungus.


Applied Physics (1)
Technology = Nonlinear Mathematics, High Energy Chemistry, Optical Computers
Weapon = Laser

Doctrine: Loyalty (2)
Prerequisite = Doctrine: Mobility, Social Psych
Technology = Intellectual Integrity
Base Facility = Perimeter Defense
Secret Project = The Command Nexus
Socio/economic model = Police State

Field Modulation (2)
Prerequisite = Progenitor Psych, Cidri Ecology
Technology = Bioadaptive Resonance
Armor = Resonance 3 Armor

High Energy Chemistry (2)
Prerequisite = Industrial Base, Applied Physics
Technology = Advanced Subatomic Theory, Synthetic Fossil Fuels
Armor = Plasma Steel Armor
Special Ability = Nerve Gas Pods

Nonlinear Mathematics (2)
Prerequisite = Applied Physics, Information Networks
Technology = Superstring Theory
Weapon = Particle Impactor

Adaptive Doctrine (3)
Prerequisite = Polymorphic Software, Doctrine: Flexibility
Technology = Advanced Military Algorithms
Armor = Pulse 3 Armor
Special Ability = Marine Detachment

Advanced Military Algorithms (4)
Prerequisite = Adaptive Doctrine (alien crossfire) Doctrine: Flexibility (original), Optical Computers
Technology = Pre-Sentient Algorithms, Retroviral Engineering
Base Facility = Punishment Sphere
Socio/economic model = Power
Terraforming = Bunker
Diplomatic Proposal = Repeal U.N. Charter, Reinstate U.N. Charter
Special Ability = AAA Tracking

Bioadaptive Resonance (4)
Prerequisite = Field Modulation, Cidri Empathy
Technology = Sentient Resonance
Unit = Spore Launcher
Weapon = Resonance Laser
Special Ability = Soporific Gas Pods

Neural Grafting (4)
Prerequisite = Secrets of the Human Brain, Industrial Automation
Technology = Mind/Machine Interface, Bio-Engineering
Base Facility = Bioenhancement Center
Secret Project = The Neural Amplifier
Allows a unit to have two special abilities.

Superconductor (4)
Prerequisite = Optical Computers, Industrial Base
Technology = Applied Relativity, Fusion Power
Weapon = Gatling Laser

Superstring Theory (4)
Prerequisite = Nonlinear Mathematics, Cyberethics
Technology = Monopole Magnets
Weapon = Chaos Gun

Mind/Machine Interface (6)
Prerequisite = Doctrine: Air Power, Neural Grafting
Technology = Graviton Theory, Digital Sentience, Biomachinery
Secret Project = The Cyborg Factory
Secret Project = The Cloudbase Academy
Citizens = Thinker
Chassis = Copter
Diplomatic Proposal = Unite Behind Me As Supreme Leader
Special Ability = Drop Pods
Improves Probe Team success rate.

Photon/Wave Mechanics (6)
Prerequisite = Applied Relativity, Silksteel Alloys
Technology = Probability Mechanics
Armor = Photon Wall

Retroviral Engineering (6)
Prerequisite = Bio-Engineering, Advanced Military Algorithms
Technology = Biomachinery, Cidri Genetics
Base Facility = Genejack Factory
Increases defense against gene warfare.
Allows gene warfare to be committed by probe teams.

Sentient Resonance (6)
Prerequisite = Bioadaptive Resonance, Cidri Psi
Technology = Secrets of the Manifolds
Weapon = Resonance Bolt
Armor = Resonance 8 Armor

Organic Superlubricant (7)
Prerequisite = Fusion Power, Synthetic Fossil Fuels
Technology = Nanominiaturization, Advanced Spaceflight
Weapon = Fusion Laser

Unified Field Theory (7)
Prerequisite = Monopole Magnets, Applied Relativity
Technology = Frictionless Surfaces, Secrets of Creation
Secret Project = The Theory of Everything
Weapon = Tachyon Bolt

N-Space Compression (8)
Prerequisite = Orbital Spaceflight, Biomachinery
Technology = Self-Aware Machines
Base Facility = Flechette Defense System, Geosynchronous Survey Pod

Matter Compression (9)
Prerequisite = Nanometallurgy, Nanominiaturization
Technology = Super Tensile Solids
Armor = Neutronium Armor
Special Ability = Fuel Nanocells

Controlled Singularity (15)
Prerequisite = Singularity Mechanics, Applied Gravitonics
Technology = String Resonance, Transcendent Thought
Secret Project = The Singularity Inductor
Weapon = Singularity Laser

String Resonance (16)
Prerequisite = Secrets of the Manifolds, Controlled Singularity
Weapon = String Disruptor


Biogenetics (1)
Technology = Secrets of the Human Brain, Gene Splicing
Base Facility = Recycling Tanks
Secret Project = The Human Genome Project
Increases defense against gene warfare.

Information Networks (1)
Technology = Nonlinear Mathematics, Polymorphic Software, Planetary Networks
Base Facility = Network Node

Planetary Networks (2)
Prerequisite = Information Networks
Technology = Industrial Automation, Cyberethics
Base Facility = Hologram Theatre
Secret Project = The Virtual World
Socio/economic model = Planned
Citizens = Librarian
Unit = Probe Team
Weapon = Probe Team

Polymorphic Software (2)
Prerequisite = Industrial Base, Information Networks
Technology = Advanced Subatomic Theory, Optical Computers, Adaptive Doctrine
Special Ability = Heavy Artillery
Improves Probe Team success rate.

Secrets of the Human Brain (2)
Prerequisite = Social Psych, Biogenetics
Technology = Neural Grafting, Cidri Empathy
Socio/economic model = Fundamentalist
Special Ability = Hypnotic Trance
Secrets = First faction to discover Secrets of the Human Brain gains a free technological advance.

Advanced Subatomic Theory (3)
Prerequisite = High Energy Chemistry, Polymorphic Software
Technology = Applied Relativity, Silksteel Alloys
Base Facility = Skunkworks
Special Ability = Comm Jammer

Optical Computers (3)
Prerequisite = Applied Physics, Polymorphic Software
Technology = Superconductor, Advanced Military Algorithms

Applied Relativity (5)
Prerequisite = Superconductor, Advanced Subatomic Theory
Technology = Unified Field Theory, Photon/Wave Mechanics
Secret Project = The Supercollider

Pre-Sentient Algorithms (5)
Prerequisite = Advanced Military Algorithms, Cyberethics
Technology = Fusion Power, Probability Mechanics, Orbital Spaceflight
Base Facility = Covert Ops Center
Secret Project = The Hunter-Seeker Algorithm
Special Ability = Polymorphic Encryption
Improves Probe Team success rate.

Fusion Power (6)
Prerequisite = Pre-Sentient Algorithms, Superconductor
Technology = Advanced Ecological Engineering, Organic Superlubricant
Base Facility = Fusion Lab
Citizens = Engineer
Reactor = Fusion Reactor

Orbital Spaceflight (6)
Prerequisite = Doctrine: Air Power, Pre-Sentient Algorithms
Technology = Advanced Spaceflight, N-Space Compression
Base Facility = Sky Hydroponics Lab
Weapon = Planet Buster, Conventional Payload
Chassis = Missile
Diplomatic Proposal = Salvage Unity Fusion Core

Advanced Spaceflight (8)
Prerequisite = Orbital Spaceflight, Organic Superlubricant
Technology = Super Tensile Solids
Base Facility = Orbital Power Transmitter
Secret Project = The Living Refinery
Weapon = Plasma Shard
Diplomatic Proposal = Launch Solar Shade, Increase Solar Shade

Digital Sentience (10)
Prerequisite = Industrial Nanorobotics, Mind/Machine Interface
Technology = Applied Gravitonics, Self-Aware Machines, Sentient Econometrics
Secret Project = The Network Backbone
Socio/economic model = Cybernetic
Improves Probe Team success rate.

Frictionless Surfaces (10)
Prerequisite = Unified Field Theory, Industrial Nanorobotics
Technology = Quantum Power
Special Ability = Cloaking Device

Secrets of Creation (10)
Prerequisite = Unified Field Theory, The Will to Power
Technology = Singularity Mechanics
Secrets = First faction to discover Secrets of Creation gains a free technological advance.

Quantum Power (11)
Prerequisite = Frictionless Surfaces, Planetary Economics
Technology = Quantum Machinery
Base Facility = Quantum Lab
Reactor = Quantum Chamber

Self-Aware Machines (11)
Prerequisite = N-Space Compression (Advanced Spaceflight in original), Digital Sentience
Technology = Singularity Mechanics, Matter Editation
Base Facility = Nessus Mining Station, Orbital Defense Pod
Secret Project = The Self-Aware Colony
Secret Project = The Nethack Terminus
Improves Probe Team success rate.

Secrets of Cidri (12)
Prerequisite = Centauri Psi, Sentient Econometrics
Technology = Matter Transmission, Secrets of the Manifolds
Base Facility = Temple of Planet
Citizens = Transcend
Increases Energy production in fungus.
Reveals the entire map when discovered.
Secrets = First faction to discover Secrets of Cidri gains a free technological advance.

Singularity Mechanics (12)
Prerequisite = Secrets of Creation, Self-Aware Machines
Technology = Controlled Singularity
Base Facility = Subspace Generator
Reactor = Singularity Engine

Secrets of the Manifolds (13)
Prerequisite = Sentient Resonance, Secrets of Alpha Centauri
Technology = Threshold of Transcendence, String Resonance
Secret Project = The Manifold Harmonics
Secrets = First faction to discover Secrets of the Manifolds gains a free technological advance.

Transcendent Thought (16)
Prerequisite = Threshold of Transcendence, Controlled Singularity
Transcendent Thought serves the same function as the 'Future Technology' techs in the Civilization series: Bonus Points at the end of the game for each 'level' of Transcendent Thought researched.


Cidri Ecology (1)
Technology = Cidri Empathy, Ecological Engineering, Field Modulation
Secret Project = The Weather Paradigm
Unit = Formers
Weapon = Terraforming Unit
Increases Nutrient production in fungus.

Doctrine: Mobility (1)
Technology = Doctrine: Flexibility, Doctrine: Loyalty
Base Facility = Command Center
Chassis = Speeder

Progenitor Psych (1)
Technology = Field Modulation, Adaptive Economics
Base Facility = Aquafarm

Doctrine: Flexibility (2)
Prerequisite = Doctrine: Mobility
Technology = Doctrine: Initiative, Doctrine: Air Power, Adaptive Doctrine
Base Facility = Pressure Dome
Unit = Transport Foil
Weapon = Troop Transport
Chassis = Foil

Ethical Calculus (2)
Prerequisite = Social Psych
Technology = Intellectual Integrity, Gene Splicing
Base Facility = Children's Creche
Socio/economic model = Democratic

Cidri Empathy (3)
Prerequisite = Secrets of the Human Brain, Cidri Ecology
Technology = Cidri Meditation, Bioadaptive Resonance
Base Facility = Biology Lab
Secret Project = The Empath Guild
Socio/economic model = Green
Unit = Mind Worms
Special Ability = Empath Song
Allows roads to be built in fungus squares.

Intellectual Integrity (3)
Prerequisite = Ethical Calculus, Doctrine: Loyalty
Technology = Cyberethics, Planetary Economics
Secret Project = The Citizens' Defense Force
Special Ability = Non-Lethal Methods, High Morale

Doctrine: Initiative (4)
Prerequisite = Doctrine: Flexibility, Industrial Automation
Technology = Nanometallurgy, Homo Superior
Base Facility = Naval Yard
Secret Project = The Maritime Control Center
Chassis = Cruiser
Special Ability = Amphibious Pods

Ecological Engineering (4)
Prerequisite = Cidri Ecology, Gene Splicing
Technology = Cidri Meditation, Environmental Economics
Terraforming = Plant Fungus, Condenser, Echelon Mirror, Thermal Borehole, Aquifer
Allows a tile's Mineral production to exceed 2.

Synthetic Fossil Fuels (4)
Prerequisite = High Energy Chemistry, Gene Splicing
Technology = Doctrine: Air Power, Organic Superlubricant
Weapon = Missile Launcher
Special Ability = Fungicide Tanks

Cidri Meditation (5)
Prerequisite = Ecological Engineering, Cidri Empathy
Technology = Cidri Genetics
Base Facility = Cidri Preserve
Secret Project = The Xenoempathy Dome
Citizens = Empath
Unit = Isle of the Deep
Increases Energy production in fungus.

Doctrine: Air Power (5)
Prerequisite = Synthetic Fossil Fuels, Doctrine: Flexibility
Technology = Mind/Machine Interface, Orbital Spaceflight
Base Facility = Aerospace Complex
Terraforming = Airbase
Chassis = Needlejet
Special Ability = Air Superiority

Cidri Genetics (7)
Prerequisite = Cidri Meditation, Retroviral Engineering
Technology = Cidri Psi
Base Facility = Brood Pit
Secret Project = The Pholus Mutagen
Unit = Locusts of Chiron
Increases Mineral production in fungus.

Cidri Psi (8)
Prerequisite = Cidri Genetics, Advanced Ecological Engineering
Technology = The Will to Power, Secrets of Cidri, Sentient Resonance
Unit = Sealurk
Weapon = Psi Attack
Special Ability = Dissociative Wave
Increases Nutrient production in fungus.
Allows terrain improvements in fungus squares and eases fungus movement restrictions.

Homo Superior (8)
Prerequisite = Biomachinery, Doctrine: Initiative
Technology = The Will to Power
Base Facility = Nanohospital
Secret Project: The Universal Translator

Nanometallurgy (8)
Prerequisite = Probability Mechanics, Doctrine: Initiative
Technology = Matter Compression, Quantum Machinery
Special Ability = Repair Bay

The Will to Power (9)
Prerequisite = Homo Superior, Centauri Psi
Technology = Eudaimonia, Secrets of Creation
Secret Project = The Dream Twister
Socio/economic model = Thought Control

Sentient Econometrics (11)
Prerequisite = Planetary Economics, Digital Sentience
Technology = Eudaimonia, Secrets of Alpha Centauri
Base Facility = Paradise Garden
Increases commerce income from treaties and pacts.
Recreation Commons maintenance cost reduced from 1 to 0

Eudaimonia (12)
Prerequisite = Sentient Econometrics, The Will to Power
Technology = Temporal Mechanics
Secret Project = The Telepathic Matrix
Socio/economic model = Eudaimonic
Armor = Psi Defense

Graviton Theory (13)
Prerequisite = Quantum Machinery, Mind/Machine Interface
Technology = Applied Gravitonics
Chassis = Gravship
Special Ability = Antigrav Struts
Allows units with drop pods to perform orbital insertions to any location.

Applied Gravitonics (14)
Prerequisite = Graviton Theory, Digital Sentience
Technology = Controlled Singularity
Weapon = Graviton Gun

Threshold of Transcendence (15)
Prerequisite = Secrets of the Manifolds (Secrets of Creation in original), Temporal Mechanics
Technology = Transcendent Thought
Secret Project = The Voice of Cidri
Secret Project = The Ascent to Transcendence
Increases Mineral production in fungus.
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