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Re: (TFT) Foot races again

----- Original Message ----- From: "PvK"
Subject: (TFT) Foot races again

Foot races:

1) Initiative has nothing to do with foot races. Initiative is about combat maneuvers, not who starts running in a structured sport race.

Starting gun in a formal race?
Maybe Listening?
Not trying to be a jerk here, but with all else being equal if your Figure got outta the blocks a hair before mine then yours wins the sprint...

2) In TFT, I would use MA first, then roll 3d6 for everyone against (ST + DX + body height in meters x 10 - body weight in kg divided by 20 - weight carried in kg + 4 if you have Running talent).

Okay let's see... naked Joe runs... ST 10 + DX 10 + 1.8m * 10 - 74.8kg / 20 + 4 Talent. That's 21.8 * 10... 218 - 74.8... 143.2 / 24... 5.96... call it 6 MA addition to 12? 18? If so... this is close to the Joe Average I describe at 2 Battle Maps per turn at sprint speeds.
We seem to be in the same ballpark.

3) If the running races were going to be a big deal, I would import/convert the GURPS running rules as well.

Fair enough... I'll have to look into that.

4) If it was going to be even more of a big deal, then I'd add some house rules.

I doubt there were many professional sprinters in medieval times.

5) If running races were going to be a central part of the game, then I'd go slightly Jay and look at statistics and correlate them to the game stats.

I'm going to offer you sports simulation where the bat swing can be modified to the sword swing. As Paul Simon said... "You've got to learn how to fall... before you learn to fly..."

Here's some unclear babble...

The following Talents and Skills apply.

A bigger heart than average can increase power.
A larger heart proportionally gains +1% force per 10% increase in size.
Example: Joe Average with a 10% larger heart than average generates 555.5 foot pounds per 1 fST rather than the 550 ft. lbs. generated normally by ST 10.

Proportionally longer legs can increase stride length.
Human leg to height ratio seems to range from 1.0 to around 1.4 normally.
Joe Average at 6b tall has 36b legs and a 36b trunk.
Joe Longshanks might be 6b tall with 41b legs and a 31b trunk.
Sprinters seem to have a stride length 20 to 40% longer than their height.
Joe Averagebs stride at 1.4 times height is about 101 inches or roughly 2.6m. Joe Longshankbs legs are proportional to an average 6b 10b Figure and might potentially approach the taller Figures roughly 115 inch stride which is 1 square longer than Joe Averagebs full stride. (The woman with the longest legs is Svetlana Pankratova. At a height of 6 ft 4 in (1.930 m), her legs measure 52 inches (132 cm).)

Muscle can be either an imbalanced ratio of slow and fast twitch mass or a proportionally larger muscle mass overall or a combination of a proportionally larger mass and an imbalanced ratio. The rule of thumb here is a +/- 1 roll modifier per 16.6% additional muscle or imbalance. Joe Average would have to put on slightly more than 25 lbs of muscle to have 16.6% more than average weighing just over 190 lbs w/o additional fat, etc. This is just at the limits of possible muscle gain in one year with obsessive attention to diet, exercise, and schedule. A slow muscle advantage allows modification of endurance checks, with fast muscle affecting bursts of power like accelerating.

What I find seems to suggest that in running what increases in a faster performance is not so much the cadence of steps as the length of the strides. I write the Running Skill as the difference between a stride 1.4 times a Figures height, a amateur stride of 1.2 times Figure height, and a non-Running stride equal to Figure height. Joe Averagebs stride at 1.2 times height is roughly 86.5 inches or a full square shorter per stride than his 101 inches @ *1.4. Figures who almost never run are a square behind amateur Runners @ 72b per stride.

Specializing in an event or a group of events often involves a number of more specialized Skills.

A bSprinterb will likely devote time to learning to start out of the blocks, reacting to the gun, pacing the race they want to run, etc.
I allow bdecimalb points to be spent on Skills in thirds.
A 0.3 pt roll might be an Init. Check.
.3 IQ on Blocks indicates a base familiarity with the blocks indicated by a 1d6 check against use of the blocks to power the race start. 1 is a critical success and 6 a critical failure with 2 through 5 only applying to opposed checks vs. other competitors with the Blocks Skill for Sprints as Human Figures start at 8,8,8, i.e. you canbt roll over stat on 1 die. As the formal type races webre discussing here are started via pistol there is a reaction time involved.
I call fast twitch muscle DX and slow twitch ST.
Slow twitch ST ties in fST while fast twitch DX represents control of the force being exerted in a quick, powerful Action.
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