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Re: (TFT) High Level Play

Heh. I think I've had a rather different take than most people... I guess my campaigns have been more spaced out and with less XP... 32 is around an average person, either being fairly young but in good shape because of it, or perhaps a bit older but slightly more experienced.... up to around 36 this represents skilled people, but not anything special..... fairly basic warriors, craftsmen, merchants, criminals, lower aristocrats...
At around 40 you start getting into the more elite group- still quite  
a few people are around this level, but its the better fighters, a  
good archer, a good scholar, that sorta thing.
At 50 you are nigh on one of the most capable people around. Very few  
people can match your abilities.
60 basically just doesn't happen, and would be somewhere around where  
you get into superhuman territory.
at least, thats my way of viewing it.
On Nov 1, 2010, at 6:54 PM, Jay Carlisle wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "PvK"

* At 45-50 points, the system can do ok but the element of failed rolls tends to mostly go away for the characters at that level.

". Any character who
successfully makes any roll on four or more dice will get
experience points: 10 for a 4-die roll, 20 for a 5-die roll,
30 for a 6-die roll, and so on. "

As the progression is 3000 exp per stat pt @ 46 to 50 I'd expect higher level guys like this to be attempting rolls of more than 3 dice much of the time.
In the athletics stuff I'm doing I describe this as levels of effort.
A 2d check is "half-speed".
A 3d check is full-speed and each die thereafter repesenting a kind of full performance effort risk with well developed (i.e. high point) Figures having a larger pool of potential to cover the risk. This mainly comes up in opposed checks where two well developed Figures are trying to out perform each other but passive situations like feats of strength use this too.
I think of 32pt Figures swinging things at each other with 3d6 as  
being in the range of talented High School athleates type effort.
These guys are gonna get bigger, stronger, and more Talented over  
the next few years.
I consider a stat in the upper teens to the lower 20's college  
"Letterman" material and 20's approaching 30's as professional level  
3d6 is only sufficient. =====
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