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Re: (TFT) Wizard mods - out of balance?

----- Original Message ----- From: "Margaret Tapley"
Subject: Re: (TFT) Wizard mods - out of balance?

In more real-world terms, anyone who got through high school calculus
has the Mathematician talent (IQ 14), unless they subsequently forgot

Poor old Archimedies might be somewhat suprised to learn that he lacks Talent in Mathmatics...
"Let none but geometers enter here".

I'd say that a Mathematician with Geometery and Calculus has a 2pt Mathematician Talent. The extra point gives him some time saveing options and increases their Talents scope.
Archie can solve for Pi with Geometery... it just takes a lot longer.
Of course the time saved in calculation is somewhat opposed by spending twice as much study time per week to maintain both subjects, but the higher the Figures IQ the faster they can see, ergo the faster they can study, ergo they can pack more study into a week than their less perceptive counterparts.
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