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Re: (TFT) Heroes versus Jay's football pros
--- raito@raito.com wrote:
>I had a whole rant written, then the ether ate it. Anyway...
That's my least favorite thing to happen when working with computers. My condolences!
>In TFT, at least for DX, any adjDX above 15 renders no advantage (other
>than getting to act first) to any similat DX.
Yes there is a limit to TFT there, but what you say isn't strictly true. You just need to find ways to use DX, such as broken ground for both, or aiming for the arm or leg or head (so that he can't hit you back), etc.
> Yet any pro player will
>smoke any high school player. TFT doesn't model that accurately. And
>that's fine by me. I don't require reality in my system, just
Yes giving NFL stats in TFT lets you use them in TFT combat, but not to simulate football. (Though in TFT, the pros might have the Pro Football Talent, which says they smoke those with a lower talent...)
>Also, TFT Talents are monolithic. Doing much else takes you into GURPS
Again, yes, if I wanted to game out NFL plays, I would write a GURPS expansion, not a TFT expansion, and I certainly wouldn't use stock TFT with only a couple of talents added. But if I was playing a TFT adventure where NFL football players happened to exist, they'd have those kind of attributes, and a bunch of largely-irrelevant pro talents (probably just assumed rather than detailed) and probably Running.
>And, finally, there's no idea of stat vs. stat in TFT. This keeps
>things clean and fast, but in reality it is you vs. the other guy, not
>you vs your DX.
>There's no good way to convert an attribute from TFT to something with
>any meaning in the real world. First off, an attribute is a composite
>of real world abilities. And real world abilities are an amalgam of
>physical ability and experience.
Eh. TFT is a blunt and broad representation, which I don't think is without any meaning.
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