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Re: (TFT) How good is 32 points?

I want to reiterate that this isn't one of those right or wrong deals we're
talking about.
A painter gets to pick their colour pallet and a designer gets to describe
their peasants how they see them.
I tend to worry over Joe Average quite a bit because the population is a
very strong tool in my games.
Improving the population is a big part of rulership.
I've no idea how objective I am about this stuff because I'm in the throws
of it so what seems obvious to some nut-job that often goes to sleep with
his feet hanging off the end of the bed telling the "little people" what he
wants to "test" tonight might not strike a sane person as quite so obvious.
That being said, I also think there's some objective stuff going on here
that isn't facilitating communication.
Job number one (pretty much the only job really) of the rules is to get all
the players on the same imaginative page.
TFT's simplistic system is a big strength of the system IMO but it comes
with a pretty big pitfall if your not careful.

The big boys these days (over 230 pounds) are lifting almost 580 pounds in
the clean and jerk.
What ST would that be?
My '81 Guinness gives the record at almost 565 at the time.
Is that a lower ST?
How does that compare to a trebuchet throwing 200 pound rocks 300 yards?

I'll also note that yes "a single point change in TFT has a substantial
effect on a character's capability" viewed in terms of 3d6 checks.
30 pts isn't quite enough to have an even shot of success on 9d6.

I've been looking at a phase system for stuff under 5 second turns where a
Figures IQ determines its perception time meaning smart Figures "see"
A low IQ makes a Figure take longer to perceive an Action and choose a
DX is more a measure of how long that reaction takes.
Blaster with a high DX but low IQ would likely have a hard time telling
where concealed fire might be coming from an thus unable to use his DX to
dodge while Master with a high IQ but low DX likely notices the direction
of fire straight away but lacks the DX to do much about it.
How quick can Master inform Blaster where the fire is coming from?
Is talking like the Micro Machines guy a DX check?
It's an IQ check to understand it.
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