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Re: (TFT) How good is 32 points?

On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 8:02 AM, Chris Nicole wrote:

> I have proposed using experience points to buy or improve talents, but
> so far my players did not take it up.
> To acquire a new talent would cost [10 x Talent IQ x Talent Points] in
> earned experience.
> e.g. Axe / Mace; IQ 7; 2pts;   would cost 140 EP.
> This is not cost effective for beginning characters who are much better
> off putting the points into improving attributes.
> However once a character has improved a bit, the cost for attributes
> goes up and becomes less effective.
> Then it's worth while buying new talents or spells using that Exp.
> Also, I let characters improve a talent or spell they already know.
> This is most effective for weapon talents.
> e.g. a single level of improvement; Axe / Mace +1 gives the PC +1 to hit
> and damage (and parry/block too).
> A character can also use a new talent whilst they are learning it at-2
> adjDX if they have declared that they are learning that talent and have
> put Exp into it.
> When they have enough Exp to pay for the talent, they get normal use of
> it.

Talents top at IQ 14...
[10 x Talent IQ x Talent Points]
(10 * 14 * x), or 140 times the cost which works out to 420 exp for
something Like Alchemy...

... 41st point is the tip.
I like the idea but I'm spooked of the numbers here... I like the idea that
you have to improve the person as a whole to get them a new Talent... the
tendency to go "livestock" with Populations is Dark Lord strong.
Its enough to make me consider religion...
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