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Re: (TFT) Melee tournament Champion of Champions FINAL ROUND

I hadn't done this in a while and got out the map to try. I agree sword
can avoid a charge but only if spear makes a bad mistake.

I think the only way spear does *not* get a charge is if spear moves
first and makes a mistake by ending movement with a  6 or 7 hex
separation from sword. Sword moving second can then move 9 or 10 hexes
to engage spear from the side/rear. Neither gets an attack that turn,
but next turn spear is engaged and no charge attack is possible. 


Separation of 1-5 hexes:
	spear wins initiative: moves first and charges
	sword wins initiative: sword moves first to outside of charge
	range; spear moves second to keep 1-5 separation.
Separation of 6-10 hexes:
	spear wins initiative: makes sword go first. Spear then moves to
	a 1-5 distance if possible or if not maintains 8-10 distance.
	sword wins initiative: Makes spear go first. Spear maintains
	8-10 distance. 

On Mon, Oct 19, 2015, at 06:31 AM, Edward Kroeten wrote:
>        Something is rotten in Denmark, a spearman against a short sword a
> nd small shield should end up being more often a dead spearman.  Best cas
> e the spearman gets the charge attack 50% of the time, but a savvy tactic
> al short swordsman can reduce that well below 50%. 
>        On the Melee board the short swordsman should never start a turn w
> ithin 5 hexes if he can avoid it.  If the swordsman wins initiative when 
> he is outside 5 hexes he has a 0% chance of being charged and an excellen
> t chance of being engaged on the following turn.  He may have to accept o
> ne round of non charge damage, this is acceptable as his weapon has super
> ior damage and he stops on hit with his shield  
>        Or if he loses initiative then the spearman most likely will make 
> him move first.  With a little planning he can make sure he ends up at le
> ast 5 hexes away (not getting trapped in a corner), thus still avoiding c
> harging damage.  If the spearman moves first and ends up less than 10 hex
> es away run up against a side hex so as not to accept the 2X damage.  If 
> that is not possible start the process over.
>        The only time a spearman can land charge damage is he wins the ini
> tiative within 5 hexes, which should be well less than 33% of any round p
> layed.
>        Outside of charging the average damage done by a spearman will be 
> 4 [(1D+2)-1 for small shield)] which will not cause a -2 shift to DX (onl
> y a 33% chance of a -2DX).  As where a Short Sword is 6 which will cause 
> the -2 (58% of the time).  Also outside of double or triple damage the sp
> earman has a 0% chance of a knockdown as where the sword has an 16% chanc
> e.   This means that in an even exchange in one round that the following 
> round ends with swordsman at DX 13 and spear at 11 and an 83% chance of h
> itting which should kill the spearman before his chance to reply. 
>        I think somewhere in the simulation that there was not enough danc
> ing by the non spearmen.  Staying away from them and then closing.  The o
> nly advantage the spearman has is the charge which the risk of can and sh
> ould be avoided as much as possible.
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