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Re: Limit on # of figures in HTH?

Thanks folks. I know we had a limit but I can't remember what it was. The "2 on each side" actually sounds sort of familiar, as clearly the rules want figures to be able to pile in, but it seems like there should be a limit or it gets silly, and can make a huge difference since it determines attacks per turn.

It did come up for us particularly for animals (wolves, bears, baboons, lions, hyenas), gargoyles, ghouls, and situations with mobs and people with no weapons or against foes with too much weapon/armor advantage.

(I ask now because I'm playing Grailquest and am facing 8 hobgoblins whose best tactic seems to be to mob a knight in HTH, though how effective that is will probably have a lot to do with how many of them get to attack per turn.)