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Re: Qin crossbow in TFT?

Interesting how in the proverbial sense it's difacult to tell the difference twixt canines and cans of worms... or is that just Me?

Generalizing specifics is quite dependent on the scale of scope one views the question from IMHO.
In this case the idea of balance is particularly interesting considering the idea of developing new wepon technology is pretty much trying to subvert the current meta-balance with the introduction of an OP option that oponents can't access in a given engagement in a specific view while more generally it can encompass concepts like arming a large number of individuals economically and effectivally that allow a greater mobilization of the overall population while still meeting the everybody gets fed primary duty of governance meaning figuring out how to get a club in everybodys hands can be of greater effect than forging a +10 holy avenger.
Then there's stuff like the phalanx resulted in the philum which pretty much requires the phalanx to be effective to be over simplistic about it.
We tend to focus on the firearm but at the time there was quite a bit of concern with the trigger elevating the brutality of war.
It's also worth mentioning that what We term war today would not meet the concepts of honorable combat between warriors among the warrior cultures of the past as evidenced by the civilian casualty counts to start with.
600 hexs or 120 MHs range mentioned in the article...
I'll poke around a bit...

On Wednesday, August 16, 2017, Cris Fuhrman <fuhrmanator@gmail.com> wrote:
Has anyone ever worked up numbers for a Qin crossbow? I just saw the Emperor's Ghost Army on Nova http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/ancient/emperors-ghost-army.html and a historian claimed the weapon was "two millenia ahead of its time." A test firing shows it penetrates laminated armor, etc. The mechanics supposedly allowed it to be used by peasants and fired much faster than European crossbows that had cranks, etc. Seems like it would make play unbalanced, but I'm curious.

Another link: http://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/1742671/qin-dynasty-crossbow-found-chinas-terracotta-army-site-may-reveal-secret

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