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(TFT) TFT Campaign: Character Creation Guidelines

Don't forget that I'm using my own house rules as described at 
http://www.brainiac.com/tft/homerule.html (now that I think about it, 
it's probably time to have version 5.4 posted).

Yes, the characters are fairly powerful for the start of a campaign.  
However, I'm interested in telling the stories of heroes in this 
campaign, not in watching young whelps finally reach their measure after 
years of struggle.  That's a story for a different time...

--Andrew M.

P.S.  And, yes, I did yank most of the deities from the 1st ed. AD&D DDG. 
 For the group I'm playing with, sticking with known names maintains a 
sense of familiarity that adds flavor.


Character Guidelines:

	Starting characters have 38 points.
	Roll 2d6 + 6 for Luck.
	Roll your Appearance from a range of 2 - 12 or choose an 8.

	All Talents and spells available in TFT are available. Since
characters are likely to be traveling to a variety of locations, or at 
called upon to know about histories and customs, it is recommended that 
points are spent on skills that account for knowledge acquired during one
earlier exploits.


	All TFT rule changes apply.

Optional Rules Applied:
b. Defending and Dodging
d. Thrown Spells
e. Armor and adjDX
f. Sectional Armor and Random Hit Locations

1 GP (gold) = 10 SP (silver) = 100 CP (copper)

The standard of currency is silver.  Starting wealth is 300 SP.  

Do not bother purchasing clothing or general provisions and equipment.  
weapon is free; however, each weapon after the first (even if the first 
is a
dagger) must be paid for in starting money.  The character is also allowed
to choose armor and a shied as appropriate for his/her concept. 

Dwarves - see ITL, pg.50.

Elves - start with a base of ST6, DX10, IQ8, MA10.  
Elves are aloof, slender, long-lived, and pointy-eared humanoids.  Most 
apart from the lands of men.  They multiply slowly, and therefore are very
protective of their own kind.  However, most elves live to the age of 500,
and some have even reached 700 years (there are rumors of elven mages
actually living past 1000, but that has never been confirmed).  Elves 
feel a
strong sense of duty to nature and the world around them.  In addition,
their culture has a strong sense of elegance and style, and it is 
for an elf to behave contrary to that nature (and unusually rare for an 
even to try).  
A few elves are trained to ride on and fight from the backs of dragons.
Those elves form bonds with their mounts that often go beyond friendship 
even love.  Not only does a dragon act as mount and ally to the elf, but 
elf also to the dragon.  In fact, an elf that lets permanent harm come to
his/her dragon, outside of times of elven warfare, suffers a severe
emotional breakdown that manifests itself not only in the elf's behavior 
attitude, but (s)he also loses 2 points from all three attributes until 
damage is repaired or the elf has completed a long and involved process to
absolve him/herself of the guilt and shame.  
Though no other form of psionics are known to exist, domestic dragons
possess to ability to communicate with each other -- and their bonded 
-- telepathically.

Goblins - see ITL, pg. 50.  Goblins rarely live outside of their natural
habits, traveling only to trade.

Halflings -- see ITL, ppg. 50, 51.  Halflings rarely live or travel 
of their shires.

Trollkind - Trolls, orcs, and ogres also exist in the Land Beyond the
Mountains.  They are fairly similar to humans, though there are some
differences, such as coarser hair, sharper teeth, deep-set red or yellow
eyes, sharper fingernails, and - in the case of trolls and orgres - a much
larger body size.  Many members of these races are typically greedy, and
lazy, preferring to let other races work and then take the spoils.  
more than a few have been known to rise above their reputations and live
honorable and exemplary lives. 
	Of these races, trolls are the most feared, for they are strong and
tough.  None of the trollkind races may be used as player characters.

	Most of the Land Beyond the Mountains is normal mana world, though
certain areas, called Caerns, are areas of higher mana, and certain areas,
called Blights, tend to have less mana.  Most of the human cultures teach
all spells of magic.  In general, elves are taught magic that does not 
nature, dragons know only the magic associated with their element, 
typically know only minor magic designed to make their lives easier, and
dwarves know only magic associated with enchanting.  Most elven 
are built around Caerns.

	When performing magic in a Caern, the fatigue loss is reduced by one
(by never less than 1).  When using magic in a Blight, the fatigue cost is
increased by one.

	In general, mental abilities such as psionics do not exist in the
Land Beyond the Mountains.  However, dragons have limited telepathic 
with each other, which can also be used to communicate with their riders
(but only with someone with whom they have bonded).

Most humans of the land believe in a polytheistic order of gods, a group 
8 deities who supposedly defeated the 12 devils of the Old Order.

	The Eight Deities of the Humans:
	Ptah -- creator of the universe
Demeter -- goddes of agriculture
	Venus -- goddess of love, beauty, and passion
	Tefnut -- goddess of storms and flowing water
	Osiris -- god of nature and the dead	
	Athena -- goddess of wisdom and combat
	Pan -- god of nature and wild passion
Bes -- god of luck	
	For the most part, the deities get equal time throughout the realms.
Each ruler tends to have a preferred patron, whose temples and priest
receive special benefits.  But throughout time, as rulers pass on, new
temples become favored.  

Elves worship the personified manifestations of the spirituality of 

	The Elven Spirits:	
		Corellon Larethian -- god/goddess of Elven Ideals 
		Aerdrie Faenya -- goddess of Air and Weather 
		Erevan Ilesere - god of Mischief and Change
Hanali Celanil -- goddess of Romantic Love and Beauty 
Labelas Enoreth -- god of Longevity
Rillifane Rallthil -- the Leaflord
Solonor Thelandira -- god of Archery and Hunting

The dragons also worship similar concepts, though they have their own 
for them.  However, dragons do believe that Aerdrie, which they call
Raptaloth, actually has a non-humanoid form -- that of a giant,
multi-colored dragon.

Dwarves worship their own set of gods.

	The Deities of the Dwarves:
Moradin -- the Soul Forger
Abbathor -- Great Master of Greed
Berronar -- Mother of Safety, Truth, and Home 
Clanggedin Silverbeard -- the Father of Battle 
Dumathoin -- Keeper of Secrets Under the Mountain 
Vergadin -- god of Wealth and Luck

Halflings also have their own set of deities.

	The Deities of the Halflings:
	Yondalla -- the Provider and the Protector
Sheela Peryroyl -- Sheela the Wise; goddess of agriculture, nature, and
Arvoreen -- the Defender; god of War
Cyrrollalee -- the Faithful; goddess of friendship and trust
Brandobaris -- Master of Stealth

The Goblins worship a single deity called Maglubiyet -- the Mighty One, 
of the Trade.

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