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(TFT) Greff's Journal 9th Day

	Very bad news and a little good news.

	Late last night a band of survivors from another fort 
were chased into the swamp south of the fort by a bunch of
enemies.  Ben grabbed myself, Galendaar, Merrick, Lance and 
Im' Sion to go help them out.

	I had trouble running on my sprained ankle, but there
was no way I was going to get left out of the fight!  When we
got down there, there were about a half dozen troopers that had
been stuck in the mud. With maybe 50 goblins fighting them.

	All of the goblins attacked us when the Padrone started
firing at them.  The 3 of us moved forward aways, with Ben 
and Galendaar behind us.

	A couple scouts sprinted forward to tie up us, while
most of them circled around us trying to get at Ben and Galendaar.
We trashed some of the scouts and ignored the rest and ran a little
ways back to them.  Ben and Galendaar moved up amongst us.

	Then the damn goblins (magically berserking like the
last time) swarmed over us.  I wrenched my bad foot really bad
and had to fight from my knees.  We killed dozens of them, 
literally the bodies started piling up around us.  Ben set off his
Dazzle item a couple times and that really slowed down the 
little bastards.  

	One goblin dived for Ben's legs and got kicked down.
But then he set off a powerful exploding gem by slapping it 
against his own head!  Completely blew his head off but it 
took out Ben's rear right leg.

	Things started going from bad to worse.  The goblins
all had poisoned weapons, the little slime bags, and we were all 
getting a cut here and there.  Ben was down and guys with pole 
weapons kept slamming into his side.  On the ground I was 
not able to side step goblins going into hand to hand, and soon 
I was down.  I gutted one pretty good then something hit me
and between that and all the poison, I passed out.

	When I woke up it was the next day.

	It turns out that Lance had his spinal cord cut and
while he was down on the ground the goblins finished him off.
Ben was nearly killed, but the troopers in the swamp had climbed
out and attacked the goblins in the rear.  Then Pak ARMED THE
SLAVES and mounted a bluff attack from the other side!!!  
Being attacked from both sides the goblins ran off, but by that
time most were already dead.

	That druid is always going on pretending to treat the 
peasants nice and sweet, singing his little songs to them and getting 
them used to seeing his demon familliar crawling all over their 
skins.  Well they just got killed off for trusting him because the 
Thorsz always kills any peasant who touches a weapon.  Typical 
of him, who SAYS that he CARES for them.
	Anyway the new troops are the toughest survivors of
the Decathon Leader Doror' Tm Cremp's troop.  Tm Cremp is this
awesomely powerful fighter who practally singly handly fought 
off an ambush of the Century that he was in.  (The 8th century 
I think...)  He was in charge of all of the people from several 
forts to the west but when the goblin army attacked in mass they 
were overrun and him and a few of his toughest fighters survived.

	The Decathon leader out ranks the Padrone, and Im'
Sion mouthed off when he assumed command.  Apparently he
hit Im' lifting him right off his feet and knocking him out on the
spot.  Im' got 5 lashes this morning before I woke up for the 
back talk.  (I'm told that for a while we thought the Decathon
Leader would enthrall Im' but I think Ben talked him out of it.
Most of the troops and all of the sheep are mad at the Decathon'
but I mean, really!  you can't mouth off to an officer.

	Ben was nearly killed but Galendaar gave him a 
couple of healing potions we got off of the new guys, and he
is up, altho limping pretty bad.  Ben was the one who whipped
Im' and he is in a terrible mood today.

	The Decathon Leader hates that druid.  I'm told he 
almost spits any time it walks by with its familliar.  That 
druid won't be able to pull the wool over the Decathon's eyes!

	Anyway Decathon' Tm Cremp had a bunch of orders
for improving the pallisade's defenses.  He got us building more
steps to better hold the walls, and we have been putting in 
dozens and dozens of spikes to impale goblins we knock off the
wall.  He has us putting stakes on the inside so they will have
a harder time jumping into the pallisade.  He also wants a lot 
deeper ditch around it.

	I got Lance's magic halberd.  I'm hoping that some
sort of priest shows up some how, so that we can give him last
rites.  We are going to have to bury him pretty soon.

	The wound that that druid got from stepping on the
goblin trap looks like it is going bad.  He may lose his foot or
leg or die.

	The Decathon Leader has take the w' Tallom Brothers,
Yndicamen and two of the new fellows Icollee 't Semp and
Aka (I've not met those two yet).

	Just a few hours after the Decathon Leader went
scouting two of the enemies' encampments started to burn!
We could see the smoke a few klicks east, on the other side
of the river.

	It is always worth while to stir up the enemy and
keep them off ballance.  I just hope that the Decathon Leader
can get back before the main goblin army attacks us.


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