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Re: (TFT) Rule of Five
Hi all,
You have to understand that some of my players have been
playing the same character in my campaign for over 15 real years.
They have had a LOT of time to accumulate money, wealth and power.
Any campaign that runs long enough will hit a 5 magic item limit, and
then the rule of 5 will force them to buy more expensive items with
enchantments doubled and tripled up.
I think that the Rule of 5 is a great idea. It also is a boon to
weak or young GM's that are a little too generous in the magic
department. Soon the players have to pick what items to keep and
which ones they want to replace with combo items.
>John Paul Bakshoian wrote:
>> You guys even bother with the rule of five at all?
>> Your characters must be packin' heavey.
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