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(TFT) buying lotsa systems
Dear JPB
I never had the spare dosh to get games I wasn't going to play, I limited
to RuneQuest, TFT, CoC, AD&D 1 & 2.....oh, I forgot, yeah I did buy a
Dragonquest rulebook which we never played...
But generally, my wantlist always exceeded my budget. in Australia most
things were almost double the US price (that's including currency
conversion), so things got pricey quickly, especially when you were buying
figurines as well.
Speaking of nomenclature, I was looking on ebay and realised a couple of
things. The first minature figurines i got were a brand called Minifigs,
which my friends & I generalised to all 25mm figurines (whether from
citadel, Ra partha or whatever). Now I find out that this is the name for
the lego men with faces and movealbe arms & legs which came out first in
1978 til the present, which we'd been calling 'collector pack men'.
life is funny sometimes...
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