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Re: (TFT) An Even More Radical Re-Imagining of TFT...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter von Kleinsmid" <pvk@oz.net>
To: <tft@brainiac.com>
> At 10:24 AM 1/21/04 -0600, Ty Beard wrote:
> >...
> >From: "Neil Gilmore" <raito@raito.com>
> > > I could see allowing a figure to reduce their DX in order to reduce
> > > opponent's DX, but not increase it. If you don't have the technique,
> > > all out does NOT guarantee that you'll throw an effective blow.
> >
> >No, but all out aggressiveness and a willingness to take a shot probably
> >does. It does in martial arts (my only area of experience) at any rate.
> >
> >We call it the all-out blitz rule and it's very popular with my players.
> The problem I see is the "by any amount" part, combined with the lack of
> defensive ability in the system without something like Option 4. Example:
Ah, I left out one point -- your blitz or defend number is limited to 1/2 of
your DX (round up). Sorry about that. That handles the problem that you
pointed out of letting really low DX characters abuse the system.
Also, the adjusted number does *not* affect striking order. So low-DX
figures that blitz *will* still get hit first by higher DX figures.
I do not add the blitz bonus for aimed attacks, though a more "realistic"
campaign might allow it. The effect would be to make blitzes very rare.
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