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Re: (TFT) Making Defending more useful - Damage after armor is 1/3 .. .
------ Christopher Fuhrman --------------------------
Ok, more out of the box thinking (thanks to Jay for the inspiration?)...
[snip my post]
Neat. This seems to imply a forced dynamic of Hollywood swordplay (or Wirefu fighting style), where one side goes on the offensive and the other side blocks the blows until a certain time. Sounds cool, but it gets me thinking about intentions of such rules.
I think the idea is that you can get all ofensive and dictate the pace
of the fight, or take a more defensive posture and improve the likely
results of your actions each round. Also it reduces the benefit of a
higher dx, since you don't always go first. And it makes there be a cost for going first - you don't have the option to defend.
I think the idea is that if someone is swinging an axe at you
there is a pretty fair chance you'll be hurt, if you let them do so.
If, on the other hand, you make an effort to protect yourself you
may not get as hurt. Sometimes, if he swings it true, it is all you
can do to avoid being split in twain. At other times (a badly aimed
strike) you can deflect the attak more easily (turning your sheild side into his swing) and still have an opening to stab him with your short sword.
Is it realistic? Who knows. Is it simple? Sure. Is it playable? I think so. If the fight I describe is the kind you want, then it may be a good fit for your game, otherwise not so much.
I am on the fence about whether I want to adopt it formy game.
-------------------------more Chris-------------------------
When you read the basic Melee intro scenario, about Flavius and Wulf, it is pretty exciting (I remember being seduced by it when I first picked up the rules). Flavius dodges, and later defends. They seem like good options in that scenario. It's a fictional account, prepared to make the intro sexy and to showcase the complexity of the dynamics of Melee. Those may or may not have been good moves in a real combat, but maybe we don't care.
Best intro to a games combat system I have ever encountered - bar none.
I love the V&V intro with Lucky strike and the nicotines opposing our hero
but Flavius and Wulf were even cooler.
---------more Chris-------------------------------------------
For example, my email to Steve Jackson late last year, asking a specific, nagging question about HTH rules was happily answered by the man himself. But he was unable to answer the question because his memory has failed him as to the reason for the rule... It was 30 years ago and how many games has he designed since? Had he documented the design decision, things would be less mysterious and we could possibly better understand the intentions of the existing rules.
Wait a minnit. you discussd the HTH rules from TFT with Steve Jackson!
Did you post that discussion here? And if so, how did I miss it?
More importantly will you recount it for us now?
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