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RE: (TFT) Exp

Quoting Jay Carlisle <selfinflicted_wounds@boardermail.com>:

Yes I agree, and entertainment is the key. I hope I didn't give the impression of thinking there is something wrong with these kind of sessions.

No worry. Text is inexact.
I was more concerned with immersion issues and stuff to do with the timeline.

That seems to be a difference between our styles. You appear to have a timeline. I don't have one that specific.
Okay Ultima is an example here. A starting Character is very weak at the begining of the game and a player is likely to loose several Characters before one "takes".

My experience is that those first few characters exist so that the player can
play around with learning the rules of the game.
Now this seems like no problem, but what about ageing?
If I'm keeping track of truns as the GM, why do I have to "re-set" just because your character died?

Why would you? Time moves on. Characters die, others replace them.
There are other characters here, must they begin anew every time you bite it? And you, mysteriously knowing about the poision neadle trap. What of my NPC's? Nope.

Nope is right. But my world isn't so limited that the poison needle is a
You ran around for 12 turns on the docks, not surendering your weapons, and now your dead, and no, we are not re-starting. Make a new character and he can come into the story at the next substitution. So this Players future characters will NEVER have any experences at the dock. His First Figure came into the story later. (the complications are obvious, I'm just trying to get the basic idea across here.)

A difference in style.
Neil Gilmore
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