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Re: (TFT) For those who have ears...
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Todd Roseberry"
> Good Lord, what was that?
> :-)
Uh, yeah...
< coughs embarasedly >
It's this idea in Cosmology that basicly postilates that since there is no limit on the size or duration of a virtual particle at the quantium scale, the whole of "our" universe could be one large vacume flux.
It's got stuff to do with leaps, but the long and short is I can say that Create Gargoyle spell pulls a virtual partical Gargoyle, or that Fire/energy comes outta the vacume...
It's a bit silly actually, but you let Players GM their figures property, then you may as well have rules for one GM vs. another GM, or apotheosis.
You know, one Mnoren vs. another.
That kinda thing...
It's that 50 Wizard Fireball bit that got me thinking about it.
That and the idea of "Deep Magic" that runs through alot of great fantasy stories.
I figure that tieing the source of magic to something objective like that makes it less "fiat".
A young aprentice is likely to be concerned with learning the best Spells, but at some point they may choose to look deeper than individual spells.
This stuff is an atempt at things like that.
Questions like "How many Wizards can I pack into a hex, nut to butt so to speak?" I can answer with Scale, but questions like "What is the biggest Fireball that can be cast?" also depend on the nature of Magic itself.
Are there "lay points" or "sacred groves" or other notions of "powerful" magic places?
How much Magic do they have?
Can the thing be drained/charged?
If you know where the source is, stuff like that is easier to answer.
A high IQ wizard dosn't require gestures or words.
Is this because of somekind of physical mastery, or mental expertise on the part of the Wizard, or is this because they are not a nessacary component of spells, but more a ritual that the culture uses in teaching magic that got tied up in the process like the inactive ingreadients in Zombie powder?
What IS magic?
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