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Re: (TFT) Is TFT a role playing or board game?

On Mon, 28 Apr 2008 08:31:24 -0700
"Christopher Brandon" <brandon@pokemon-seattle.com> wrote:

> Sorry Mr. Jackson, despite my earlier protestations to avoid posting,
> the thoughtful posts by Ray and others enticed me to return.

I'm glad to see you weren't run off!

> All of that (sorry so long) to say maybe the combat centric nature of
> adventures published to support TFT may be what creates in my mind a
> sense of limits to the system as originally written.  Thoughts?

One of the best games I've ever played was a game of GrailQuest with one
of the members of this list.  It was memorable for me as GM because both
the player and I were willing to go "off-book" and expand the game.

For example, one encounter that was designed as an ambush on the players
ended up going in a completely different direction after the ambush failed.
The Knight and his apprentice (if I remember correctly) followed one of the
ambushers back to camp and captured one of them, and brought her in as a
member of the party.

None of this was part of the book, and I ended up improvising much of that
scenario, to get to an end that both the player and I enjoyed greatly.  As
GM, I certainly could have simply said "the ambushers escape" or "searching
the area reveals nothing", but that would have kept the game experience
to what was written.

I've taken all the source material from TFT as a starting point for larger
role playing.  One of the things I've always loved about TFT is the game
play for combat resolution.  It's more than just dice rolling, and resolves
the conflicts pretty quickly.  Expanding those encounters into a larger
story makes the game role-playing instead of roll-playing for me.

       Joe Hartley - UNIX/network Consultant - jh@brainiac.com
Without deviation from the norm, "progress" is not possible. - FZappa
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