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(TFT) Re: TFT Digest V3 #1045

At 1:44 -0400 8/18/08, Sgt. Hulka wrote:
Generally, cavalry won't attack until they win initiative. .... But
they can move 18 hexes and still attack; and they prefer to be at least 8
hexes away, anyway, to gain the +2 charge bonus and the unengaged bonuses. For
the most part (the presence of missile weapons being the exception) they can
dictate when melee is joined.
... not sure about this (speed). At one point, I worked up a table of 
speeds for cavalry. I used the "movement and weight carried" rules, 
from Adv. Melee p.30. I assumed horsemen would weigh in at 75 kg, in 
their "knighty-whities" - light for today, but maybe reasonable 
before the age of supersized convenience food. In the "Item" column 
are type of whatever for light cavalry/heavy cavalry respectively.
I'm pretty sure you'll have to fool with the Tab stops to make this 
look any good, but:
Item			Mass (Light Cav)	Mass (Heavy cav)
----			---------------	----------------
Rider			75		75
Armor (leather/fine Plate)	8		25
Barding (cloth/chain)	17.5		37.5
Primary (Spear/Lance)	3		9
Secondaries(Sm Ax/Bast. Sw)	5		7
Thrown stuff/Healing Pot.	3		3
Water/food		2		2
			------		-----
Total on Horse		113.5		158.5

Beast		Max. MA	ST
Light Horse	30	20-22
Nag		20	14-18
Riding Horse	24	22-24
Warhorse		24	24-36
Draft Horse	22	26-38

	Speed Light	Speed Heavy	ST of horse	Max MA of horse
	14		0		24		24
	14		0		25
	14		0		26
	14		0		27
	14		0		28
	16		0		29
	16		0		30
	16		0		31
	16		14		32
	16		14		33
	16		14		34
	16		14		35
	16		14		36
	16		14		37
	18		14		38

Bottom line is you need a pretty good horse just to move, if you load up with armor. Hitting speed 18 takes a really light knight and an exceptional horse. Losing the barding helps, of course, but not just enormously. The rider and his armor and weapons is just heavy.
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