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Re: (TFT) Death Test 1, take 4: SURVIVED!

Quoting gem6868 <gem6868@verizon.net>:
A pole arm used as a "planted defense" vs a charging attacker only has an
edge if they are approaching so fast that they are rendered slower to react
than the person ready with the pole arm.  Anyone making a measured approach
should still act in order of DX.  While there is certainly an advantage in a
longer weapon, it is often lost by the more cumbersome nature of the weapon

This is not so in the real world. And polearms are really not cumbersome. Set vs. charge does not mean that the polearm is planted. And while I might say that in reality I doubt there's a DX bonus to be had for taking a charge with a polearm, I assure you that the longer weapon does get the first strike in almost every case, even those where the DX differential is quite high.
 This can change when you are talking about large formations of
people.  But at the scale of Melee / Wizard, a pole arm's main use is to
gain reach v a mounted opponent (or a larger one ie Giant, Dragon), and it
is at a disadvantage against the sword/shield combo, and quite possibly just
a skillful broadsword.  When I get to Advanced Melee, I'll try and post more
specific thoughts.

This is also not so. If it were so, the shield would have stayed in use in the Middle Ages. And while Fiore had methods for dealing with a polearm with nothing but a sword, I doubt he'd recommend it. Talhoffer either.
What is your experience with weapons and armour?

Neil Gilmore
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