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Re: (TFT) Re: TFT Digest V4 #272

On Sun, Jun 10, 2012 at 7:20 PM, David Bofinger wrote:

> I've found that I need a mechanic to describe "happiness" of a group.
> In the military they call it moral.

"Technically in the military "morale" isn't just being happy. It means
the willingness of the soldiers to carry out their duties."

Yes I hear you.
Happiness is a concept from building games like SimCity and 4x games like
Civilization that also determines more than just happy.
Moral seems to fall under that umbrella although its implementation on the
battlefield is obviously a lot more than a measure of happy.
I also use it as a basis for Fear checks for individual Figures which helps
lead into morale for a unit as well.

> Normal humans also start at 32 points.

"I'm not sure it's that simple."

A starting Figure may be an above average Figure in the group of starting
Figures but in many groups, like the group of professional soldiers, they
shouldn't stack up well.
Unless your somewhere like modern day Rwanda where half the population is
under 15 (genocide) then Joe Average has quite a few years on a "starting"
Does that mean Joe Average has more points than a starting Figure?
I suggest no because of how I define the idea of "hero".
There's obviously something that sets hero's apart from average simply by
the existence of the term hero.
I gameterms I have hero's spending 12 or more hours a day in training,
study and other maintenance for their Talents and equipment.
Average folks simply aren't so dedicated.
Confutatis maledictis indeed...

> I "imagine" Conan as a ST 60

But the textual description inside the novel spends at least as much time
talking about how high his DX is.

Fair point.
I was talking about ST because it's the only stat with an "official" note
referring to the idea of a realistic cap to a stat vs. more
super-hero/demigod type concepts.
I personally like the idea of capping basic, non-magic, attribute potential
at twice the starting values maxing a human stat at 32 which is over three
times the potential of Joe Average in a given attribute.
And that's before modifiers from Talents and equipment kick in.
It's been a long time since I read any Conan stuff so I can't make any
competent calls off the cuff about the character.
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