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Re: [Slope: Ch 12] New Type of Healing Spell & Death Magic.
At 05:01 PM 6/19/2018, David Bofinger wrote:
You seem to think this spell is less effective than the SJ version
but I think it is more effective because near-complete recovery (to
1 point of damage) is quite fast as long as you have two casters for it.
Rick's spell is more effective during combat, unless it replaces
wounds with fatigue.
SJ's spell is somewhat more powerful after combat, in that it can
heal all wounds, especially if you have multiple people with Aid and
there is time to rest and/or you're traveling and have a wagon to
rest the wizard and people with the Aid spell on. In that case, SJ's
spell will heal like 35 points per day PER person with the Aid spell
who can rest all day.
Rick's spell also needs limits on what it can heal and whether the
damage caused by the spell can be healed by physickers, potions,
other magic healing spells, or other people with the same spell.
Otherwise it's not just an extremely high usable-in-combat healing
spell, but it also doesn't have the "oh no the wizard lost 1 point of
damage" drawback that is supposedly the compelling reason you'd
consider not using it.
Even at IQ 12, hello beginning-point healer:
ST 8-11
DX 9-12
IQ 12
Melchior's Healing Spell
Could even be a non-wizard or someone with lowish DX, as long as he
has IQ 12 and you have someone with the Aid spell to help him be able
to cast the spell somewhat reliably. This guy is intended to use his
ST for casting this spell. Even at the "reduced" version where 1
point of Melchior injury gets you 1:1d+1 or 2:2d+3, even a ST 8
version of this healer casting 1 point at a time 7 times gets you an
average of 31.5 points of healing, so that's like $4725 worth of
healing potion, plus if he survives and heals up, you can use him
again, and apparently he can also heal key people DURING combat
without them even having to pause to stop fighting.
I don't plan on using either Steve's healing spell or this.
I might consider using Steve's if it had the limit that it could not
be used on already-treated wounds (even by physicking), and
physicking couldn't improve wounds healed by it. Hmm and also if you
could not jack up the healer's ST with the Aid spell so you could
cast a massive healing spell - limit it to the wizard's actual ST, no
ST batteries or staff ST or anything, or just give it a maximum
points healed per wound/casting, such as 3, +1 for each level or
Physicker you have, or maybe 2, +2 for each level of Physicker you have.