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Re: TFT live at Kickstarter

I don't think we need to get too excited, at this point, about missing any stretch goal already posted. There's twenty-odd days left and I think we're still hitting a couple K a day, most days.


On Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 10:18 AM, Joe Hartley <jh@brainiac.com> wrote:
On Mon, 30 Jul 2018 10:13:40 -0500
Brett Slocum <slocum@weirdrealm.com> wrote:

> Being close enough to the hardcover, I've decided to go back to the IWIA
> package, in the hopes that my extra contribution will help make it happen.

Less than $7K to go!

       Joe Hartley - UNIX/network Consultant - jh@brainiac.com
 Without deviation from the norm, "progress" is not possible. - FZappa
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