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Re: (TFT) Sci-Fi TFT
> I played around with some weapon formulas as well. I started
> by classifying melee weapons into one of two abstract classes:
> hammers and rods. A hammer is simply a heavy weight on the
> end of a stick of negligble weight; it can be sharpened (like
> an axe) or not (e.g., hammers, maces). Rods, on the other
> hand, have the weight even displaced along the length of the
> weapon (swords, clubs). I then got into force multipliers
> Still, I think the initial approach was a good one. I think
> that all handheld medieval weapons fall into one of these 2
> categories and the damage done computed accordingly.
What about flexible weapons (flails and such)? Or thrusting vs. swinging?
As a side comment, good swords definitely do not have their weight
distributed evently along their length. They have taper, in both width and
thickness. Also, judging by modern and medieval example, the center of
percussion is important for all weapons. Sure, you can hit anywhere along
the edge of a sword, but you don't want to.
Neil Gilmore
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