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Re: (TFT) Test of general MELEE knowledge, NUMBER III

At 10:41 PM 2/27/04 -0600, David Michael Grouchy II wrote:
Now Fingoul gets to move and this is where the problems start. First Fingoul tries to shift away from e2 claiming that since e2 can't action this turn he doesn't really pose a threat, hence he can't really engage.
Fingoul hasn't read the rules, or is expecting a GM house ruling which 
would agree with him. For strict AM, he's wrong. He can disengage, but he 
can't shift.
The GM over rules this, saying e2 still engages Fingoul, and becoming engaged his movement ends for the turn. All he can do is change his action.
GM is correct.

  [e] gets Dx +1 because he waited for an opening last turn.
Where is that rule from? I don't remember any "waiting for an opening" 
maneuver. It's been over a decade since I played TFT, but this sounds like 
a house rule to me.
At this point the enemy player tries to claim that Fingoul can't set vs. charge. Because e2 moved too far to action. Thus he isn't really charge attacking. That being an action.
The enemy player also needs to re-read AM. He's wrong. The definition of a 
charge attack _is_ moving from further than one hex away, to being 
adjacent. e2 can be vs. charge pole-attacked by Fingoul.
  As a GM how would you rule?
e2 gets to suffer a +2DX double damage pole attack from Fingoul. He 
should've read the rules before - it was a dumb move unless he can stomach 
the spear and/or he desperately wants to prevent Fingoul from shifting one hex.
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