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Re: (TFT) Test of general MELEE knowledge, NUMBER III

At 09:37 PM 2/27/04 -0800, Ed Thorn wrote:
I would rule that the arrival of the ineffective e2
does not engage f.  If a charging ineffective foe
engaged adjacent figures, bullfighters would be out of

Fingoul can disengage, or use his initiative to shift
before e2 rushes in. e2's move is reckless, and the
only thing it gains is that it does prevent Fingoul from
shifting. Fingoul could still disengage.

Bullfighters have the same options, and/or can defend,
or claim they're in a special sport situation that
they've trained for and so get a special rule.

Going further, assuming f set vs charge on e2, and all
parties survive, the e team may shift right and left
around f, setting up a flanking that f must either
endure or disengage from.

Ya, or e2 could not be foolhardy in the first place, and
move to 3 hexes from Fingoul, and then move and attack
him the next turn from the rear.

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